After reading Our Iceberg is Melting, consider Kotter’s “Eight-Step Process of Successful Change” in relation to Evidenced Based Practice . Think about a relevant evidence-based practice change occurring on your unit currently or in the past. (Don’t have a good example? It’s ok to come up with a hypothetical one based on experiences on your […]
You are a Victim’s Advocate for persons who have been sexually assaulted. You have been effective in recent past cases where police were unable to obtain significant information from victims of sexual assault. When you provided advocacy service to these victims, you discovered that police interviews were done in a manner that indicated police were […]
Week 5: Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Presentation College of Nursing-PMHNP, Walden University NRNP 6675: PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan 2 Practicum Introduction Psychosis is a mental condition in which a person’s ideas and perceptions are disrupted, and the individual may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not. A health […]
Week Two Assignment – Health Belief Model Hide Assignment Information Instructions For your third assignment, you will describe the constructs of the Health Belief Model applied to your chosen behavior (3-5 pages) • Define the constructs and their interconnectedness in your own words. o Use a professional, academic source for each construct. You will use […]
THEORIES CHART ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The purpose of this assignment is to aid you in understanding the theoretical approaches you have learned from this course and provide you with an easy-access guide as you move forward in the program. This assignment gives you an opportunity to show your ability to analyze and critically think through […]
Your reflection should address (a) your self-discovery, including your attitudes and behaviors about health disparities and the individuals that carry the heaviest burdens associated with poor health and disabilities; (b) insights about health care professionals, consumers (patients), and the health system; (c) additional work that is necessary for you to become a more competent health […]
In at least four (4) pages, identify a category of crime, provide a specific example of the elements of the offense from your state (or state of your choosing) and discuss the investigative approaches and choices that an investigator would most likely consider when conducting an investigation. In your paper: (1) identify the category of […]
Political extremism in an attempt to change political values With the rapid growth of the population, technological revolution and sophistication in democracy, extremism thrives on challenges, inequality, unemployment, exclusion and political values. Social movements are imperative for citizens to create change or resist change or enact change through a political voice, especially for disfranchised citizens. […]
2-3 pages of reflection for the followings: Description: What happened? Give a brief synopsis of the story (movie) Feelings: What is your reaction to this story? Be honest and professional Assessment and Analysis: What are some positive and negative things you observed in this story? What sense can you make of the situation? Examine various […]
Death and Dying: Sociological Perspectives Reflections about When Breath Becomes Air In this second assignment, provide a review of Kalanithi’s book When Breath Becomes Air as a general statement about the dying process and as a statement that also had a personal impact on you. I will leave the organization up to you—and for the […]