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Discussion Criminal Law

Discussions Unit 5: Discussion Criminal Law Question Two The “cooling off period” relates to the manslaughter crime which is the period of time between the provocation of the defendant bu the victim and the point when the victim is killed, if the defendant did have an opportunity to “cool down” prior to the homicide themn […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Why Marriage is Important and what is Important in who we Marry

Why Marriage is Important and what is Important in who we Marry Over the years, the main question has been what constitutes a marriage, especially in sociology . According to most research, a marriage is a structure with different family members, where each family members as a role to play. On the other hand, a […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Attack Analysis

Attack Analysis Introduction Following a complainant reporting that their company’s web servers have been subjected to attacks, an analysis was conducted to understand the attacks. This report provides the elements requested for attacks and offenses by identifying the successful attacks and those that were not successful. It also provides the infractions, including the criminal offense […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Preventing Effects of Fake News

Preventing Effects of Fake News Fake news is not a modern phenomenon. It is a phenomenon that has always existed in some form or medium aimed at achieving a certain target of misleading. But with the advent of technology and the rise of social media and other communication technologies, fake news has metastasized to levels […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Urgent Law Paper Writing Help

Law Paper: Many students who want to become lawyers, attorneys, magistrates, or judges choose to take law because it is a challenging subject. At the end of the law course, graduates should be able to handle both the theory and the practice of law. Through writing law papers, the law curriculum is meant to teach […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

The Punnett square

The Punnett square below shows the genotypes of two parents for trait R. Trait R is the Mendelian trait in humans for tongue rolling. The allele for the ability to roll the tongue (R) is dominant over the allele for the inability to roll the tongue (r). Use this Punnett square to answer to following […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

The American Revolution

The American Revolution Instructions: This is an essay. Include intro, thesis statement, body, and conclusion Write about The American Revolution Individual research/reading analysis papers must be typed, 1″ borders all around, double spaced, 12 point front, Times New Roman, include references, conform to copyright laws, and consequently follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 5th or […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Exam Revision Services

Exam Revision Services Students at all levels of study dread doing exams. This is because of the fact that it is not always easy to pass exams. Since failing exams attracts negative repercussions, students tend to panic whenever they are about to take an exam. This however does not have to be the case for […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Antonio Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci develops the concept of an ‘integral state.’ Why? Social and Political Sciences Topic: Antonio Gramsci develops the concept of an ‘integral state’. Why? Introduction Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist who wrote his Prison Notebooks from 1926 to 1937 while imprisoned by Mussolini (Cleffie, n.d.). Numerous scholars have produced countless analyses on his […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

How were 2011-2013 Russian Protests were Unsuccessful

How were 2011-2013 Russian Protests were Unsuccessful, and the Fair Elections were not Held Abstract: The 2011-2013 Russian protests were failed to achieve their intended objectives as they were characterized by a public uproar against corruption and tyrannical government systems. A significant number of people in Russia outrightly protested against Putin’s administration due to preliminary […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

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