MIS604 Assessment Two Page 1 of 7 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS604 Requirement Engineering Assessment Two – Requirement Specification Individual/Group Group Length N/A. There is no length requirement. You are required to sufficiently address all the tasks in this assessment. Learning Outcomes b, c Submission Due 23:59 (Sydney time) Friday, end of module […]
COIT20253 Assessment 1: Written Assessment Due Date: Week 7 Friday 11:45 PM AEST Weighting: 35% Assessment Task: This is an individual assessment. In this assessment, you are required to choose one of the following businesses: Healthcare, Insurance, Retailing, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, and Travel. You will need to prepare a report on how […]
Assessment 2 Assessment Type: Case study report — theory and calculations — individual assessment Purpose: To allow students to apply the technical knowledge of relevant accounting standards to financial reporting settings. This assessment relates to learning outcomes c, d. Value: 30% Due Date: Week 9 – 8:00 pm Wednesday of Week 9 Submission: Submission must […]
Section A – Program/Course details Qualification code: ICT40415 Qualification title: Certificate IN in Information Technology Networking Unit code: ICTNWK405 ICTTEN416 Unit title: Build a small wireless local area network Install, configure and test an internet protocol network Department name: BDIT, Computer and Information Technology CRN number: 11916 Section B – Assessment task details Assessment number: […]
Assessment Details Qualification Code/Title Assessment Type Assessment -03 Time allowed Due Date Location AHIC Term / Year Unit of Competency National Code/Title BSBITU402 Develop and use Complex spreadsheets Student Details Student Name Student ID Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person […]
SIT382 System Security Assignment 1 (The Essay) Trimester 2 2019 Objectives: – To understand the critical security and privacy issues in Internet of Things specifically in relation to Smart City. – To demonstrate the ability to research and apply proper techniques to address a given security threat / vulnerability. – To gain experiences in writing […]
Assessment Cover Sheet LECTURE ASSESSMENT BSBSMB401 Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business BSB42618 Certificate IV in New Small Business Student Name: (Please write in block letters) Student ID Number: (Please write in block letters) Assessors Name: Assessment Due: Week 8 Submission Date: Assessment Tasks Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did Not Submit Lecture […]
Assessment Cover Sheet LECTURE ASSESSMENT BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities BSB42618 Certificate IV in New Small Business Student Name: (Please write in block letters) Student ID Number: (Please write in block letters) Assessors Name: Assessment Due: Week 7 Submission Date: Assessment Tasks Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did Not Submit Lecture Assessment – Portfolio ? ? […]
Question 4: Module 5 (Week 9) the material for module 5 is attached below. Select one of the following: Facility Feasibility Study Facility Needs Analysis Synthetic Surface Installation, or A Mowing/Ground Maintenance Contract. Then develop an outline that contains/lists key components for inclusion in a quote for tender document. In terms of format, present the […]
BSBMKG515 Conduct a Marketing Audit BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing & Communication Student Name: (Please write in block letters) Student ID Number: (Please write in block letters) Assessors Name: Assessment Due: Week 8 Submission Date: Assessment Tasks Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did Not Submit Workshop Assessment – Report / Presentation ? ? ? Feedback to Students: […]