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Company and Artist Contract

In a Word document, explain the following about your chosen contract: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the contract (at least 5 strengths and 5 weaknesses). Be sure to choose clauses as your strengths and weaknesses, such as: Engagement or Term. Explain why each is a strength or weakness from the point of view of […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

The Chicago World Fair

How the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair a showcase of Gilded Age America? You must use examples from The Devil in the White City. instructions attached below. this is a Discussion board question response to the above question. B) For the 3 remaining discussion question responses I will post a discussion question prompt on Blackboard. Your […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Discussion 5: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Discussion 5: Type 1 diabetes mellitus Create an SBAR report for this patient. What if the client with type 1 diabetes mellitus displaying symptoms of nervousness, confusion, pallor, diaphoresis, and tachycardia suddenly becomes unconscious with shallow breathing? What actions would you take and what is your rationale for those actions? How would you include that […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Essay 5: Does Technology Influence Gambling?

Essay 5: Does Technology Influence Gambling? As a counselor in the field of addiction, you are interested in researching if online gambling is becoming more prevalent. You decide to conduct research to compare online gambling to gambling in public places such as casinos. You hypothesize that online gambling is more prevalent among those who are […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Legal Writing

What is the tone of the office memo? What are the parts of the office memo? How many sentences should the answer and issue be? What is a thesis? Resource: Foundations of Legal Research and Writing | 5th Edition Carol M. Bast, J.D./Margie A. Hawkins Legal Writing An office memo is a writing that focuses […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

After reading the content concerning symbolic interaction

After reading the content concerning symbolic interaction and dramaturgy (Mead and Goffman), please address the following: 1) analyze the basic tenets of the symbolic interaction perspective, according to the work of GH Mead, paying special attention to the concept of “the self”; 2) Next, explain how the work of Erving Goffman demonstrates key components of […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Assessment 1: Report 2000 words

Assessment 1: Report Links to unit learning outcomes: 1 Relates to AOLs: KS (1.1), HO (2.1), PC (3.1) Length: 2000 words | Percentage of final grade: 40% Due date: Week 7 (exact date to be confirmed on Blackboard). Submission: Submit as a single Word or PDF document using the link provided on Blackboard. Can I […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Report REPORT TO: Winnie James, Ralph Anders FROM: DATE: RE: Green Clean Contract Risks and Liabilities Contract Terms and Conditions 1. E-signature The client and the clean-employee must submit their e-signatures to the company before the start and at the end of the cleaning services. 2. Payment The client should pay half of the payment […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Neo-Materialism and Political Economy

Neo-Materialism and Political Economy Theory: The basic theoretical perspectives between Harris and Wolf are production and change respectively. Neo- materialism and the political economy theory explains social and cultural occurrence as dynamic with regards to manufacture materials and ideologies which change with time (“Neo-Materialism and Political Economy Readings”). The ideas of Harris are guided by […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

Discussion Board Assignments 1 Discussion Board Assignments (150 points) For each assignment, new topics for discussion will be posted in Canvas. Students are expected to make several meaningful contributions to the discussion. First, students are expected to make an initial post on the topic of discussion. Next, students are expected to respond to the posts […]

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Date: October 9th, 2022

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