NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum Please upload your personal goals and objectives you have for the practicum (NUR 4945C Advanced Nursing Concepts Practicum). Please refer to the rubric for course success. AND I WILL ATTACH THE SYLLABUS SO YOU CAN CHECK THE TYPE OF ASSIGMENTS PLUS THE CLINICAL HOURS. Personal goals and objectives are […]
Qualitative/Mixed Methods Critique. With new information continually emerging, professional nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature and discern its value for practice. Select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT question and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application. use your own words to summarize your appraisal of […]
The Cambridge Illustrated History of China By Patricia Buckley Ebrey… The Conception of Heaven in Early China In early texts we have read so far this semester, such as the Book of Documents, the Book of Songs, and the Analects of Confucius, we have encountered the notion of heaven (or, tian 天, in Chinese). […]
Clustering languages based on phonetic traits: Introduction Languages are complex systems that evolve and change over time. One way to understand how languages are related is by examining their phonetic traits and determining how similar or different their sound systems are. Phonetic traits provide clues about how languages have developed from common ancestral languages or […]
INITIAL CODING OF TRANSCRIPT #1 Overview Now that you have interviewed a peer and have transcribed the interview, what next? How do you answer your research questions based on the data you have collected when the data are many pages of transcriptions? Just like the quantitative researcher uses raw numeral data to find statistical relationships, […]
Critical Appraisal of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring is a conceptual thread in the USU College of Nursing’s curriculum framework. The purpose of this assignment is to offer students the opportunity to be exposed to Human Caring Science while providing students with the skills of critical appraisal of […]
Please watch the PBS documentary available from the link below: The Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War – Bing video Briefly comment on any aspect of the documentary (aside from the really bad music of the period) that struck you as similar to or fundamentally inconsistent with […]
DIABETES AND DRUG TREATMENTS Each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2019). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type […]
NURS 744 Nursing Informatics. .Completed final project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) due. The project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) concept must have been approved and the outline graded prior to this point to ensure you are on track. […]
Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you […]