Maternal-Child Nursing: Discharge Teaching Guidelines. Complete outline with details under each section. Include references. Outline must be submitted to dropbox. 4. Introduction to Topic and Reference One Statistic – 10 points/10% • Describe the selected topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service) in the project ( help with nursing paper […]
End of Life Decisions. Write an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village that explains the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Show Less Competency 1: Explain the effect of health […]
Course Objectives: • CO1: Analyze what it means to be a sustainable business and the relationship of profitability and sustainability. • CO2: Assess the main motivations for engagement in sustainable business practices. • CO8: Develop a plan to address the political, regulatory, or technological environments that impact organizations’ supply chain sustainability and strategies. Prompt: Review […]
MIS713 – Digital Transformation of Supply Chains – Trimester 2 2023 Assessment Task 1 – Part A – Case Study Report and Complex Diagrams; Part B Feedback Reflection – Individual/Group Assignment DUE DATE AND TIME: Monday, 11 September, by 8:00pm (AEST) PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE: Part A (45%), Part B (5%) WORD COUNT: Part A […]
Please read the scenario below carefully and then attempt the PC procurement tasks set out below that. Scenario: In this assignment you will be playing the part of a computer hardware and networking consultant for a firm known as “Made to Measure Computers” – MTMC. “Nuts & Bolts Imaging” is a new customer for your […]
Assignment topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service): Touchstone 3: Evaluating the Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World. Instructions ASSIGNMENT: In each of the three units in this course, you have learned about the role of religions in our world. You have already reflected on some of […]
Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies. Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical […]
Public Health Foundational Knowledge Toolkit Part 2: Health Public Health Foundational Knowledge Toolkit (PHFK Toolkit) To document meeting the Public Health Foundational Knowledge competencies, you will create a personal Public Health Foundational Knowledge Toolkit for use in your academic and professional experiences. Each toolkit must address the following CEPH Foundational Knowledge objectives: Profession & Science […]
Disruption Essay Weighting: 30% Length: 2,000 words Equivalent (+/- 10%) Details This task requires you to write an essay exploring “future business directions, enabled through the use of IT, for a major industry in your region/state/country” (2,000 words maximum, excluding title page, references and appendix). Your essay will be marked using the criteria in this […]
APPENDIX GA36c LEVEL 6 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION Student name: Student ID number: Programme: BSc Health and Social Care Module: Living with Care: The Older Person Module code: BMHP6009 Contribution to Overall Module Assessment (%): 50% Lecturer: Joanne Davies Internal Verifier: Chloe Harries Assignment Title: Component 1 – Debate Presentation and supporting paper Word count (or equivalent): […]