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There are two main types of neural networks, these are biological neural networks and artificial neural networks. Within machine learning, we are dealing with artificial neural networks. There is a selection of different types of artificial neural networks, but do they relate to each other, and if so how? Task • In the manner of […]
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Wine Styling Conduct internet research and give examples, support, and explain your answers and positions. Select a U.S. state (other than California) that produces red wines and research its wine industry. Include information about the wine industry and inform the readers about the wine(s). What wines do they produce? Why are their wines distinctive? Why […]
Upload Assignment: Weeks 3-4 ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Points Possible 20 Interviews Interview a female and male who went to high school or college prior to 1972 and ask them about their involvement in physical activities and sports. What factors in their lives encouraged, limited, or prevented their participation? Were their experiences different or similar? Explain why […]
History of Present Illness (HPI) History needs to include Patients age, Gravida, Para, gestational age, EDC and how EDC is determined with citation. Reason for coming to the hospital , what the patient was complaining about that brought her to come into the hospital and then admitting Diagnosis Pathophysiology is explained in complete detail with […]
How Technology Has Helped Develop the Music We Hear Today Introduction Music has always been part of human life with people using music and lyrics to express their feelings, emotion, and influence of their culture across the world. Music has greatly advanced in its developmental process from ancient to modern music as a result of […]
Post the APA-style reference for the article you found in the library. Mendoza, M. M., Dmitrieva, J., Perreira, K. M., Hurwich-Reiss, E., & Watamura, S. E. (2017). The effects of economic and sociocultural stressors on the well-being of children of Latino immigrants living in poverty. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23(1), 15–26. Describe […]
Psychology homework help U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d). Using language access services. Accessed from: Compare and contrast the range of medical language interpretation and describe what is considered “best practice.” Consider and describe at least two scenarios in which patients are non-English speaking and qualified language interpretation is not provided. What […]
Nursing homework help Explain how to approach fluid resuscitation in the trauma patient. Discuss how and why your approach might differ if the patient is geriatric. Explain what comorbidities you must consider when resuscitating and why. Identify when you would choose normal saline vs. lactated Ringer’s solution vs. blood for fluid resuscitation. Provide a rationale […]