Write a 700- to 1050-word executive summary HC1052 Assessment Type: Individual Assessment Assessment Title: Individual Essay (2000 words excluding references) Learning Objectives: Applying concepts such as employee engagement, organisational citizenship, dysfunctional behaviours, and managing for effectiveness. Weight: 20 marks Word Limit: 2000 words Due date: Week 5 (Friday 21 August, 2020, 11:59 pm) Submission Guidelines […]
Assessment 2 Assessment Type: Short report on consolidated financial statements and calculations – individual assessment. Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to research and analyse accounting standards and interpret how they apply to various corporate groups. It enables students to identify and solve problems relating to accounting for consolidated groups. It allows students […]
MKTG216 – Consumer Demographics Assignment 2 The whole Assignment (Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4) is to be submitted in hardcopy to BESS (6 Eastern Road ground floor) by 3pm on Wednesday 8th May 2019. Question 4 is also to be submitted to Turnitin on iLearn by 3pm on Wednesday 8th May 2019. An individual […]
MKT303A/MKG303 Subject name International Marketing Assessment title Assessment 3 – International Marketing Plan Group or individual assessment Group Project Length 3000 words (+/- 10%) Learning outcomes addressed b, c, d, e Submission date Week 11 Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 30% Results Assessment Brief: 1. This assignment must be prepared and submitted as a group, […]
CASE STUDY (WORD LIMIT = 1800 WORDS +/- 10%) What do I need to do? This individual assessment is worth 35 marks and assists you achieve unit learning outcomes: ULO 1: Identify common behavioural responses to illness, and physical and psychological disability within different community contexts; ULO 3: Examine coping strategies adopted by the individual […]
BSB519-i5 Diploma of Leadership and Management Unit Code: BSBFliV15CM Unit Name: Manage Buclgets and Financial Plans Trainer Name: Jacob / Faizur Student Name: Student ID: Date: Assessment Items Result S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory Assessment Task 1 a Case study s I NS Assessment Task 2 a Project S I NS Assessment Task […]
Assessment Type: Case study report — theory and calculations — individual assessment Purpose: To allow students to apply the technical knowledge of relevant accounting standards to financial reporting settings. This assessment relates to learning outcomes c, d. Value: 30% Due Date: Week 9 – 8:00 pm Wednesday of Week 9 Submission: Submission must be made […]
PROJ 6002: Project Planning and Budgeting Assessment Assessment 2 – Cost and Quality Management Plans (2 parts) o Part A: Module Discussion Activity o Part B: Cost and Quality Management Plans Individual/Group Part A: Individual/Group Part B: Individual/Group Length Part A: 500 words/student Part B: 1200 – 1500 words/student Learning Outcomes Successful completion of this […]
Assessment Type: Case study report — theory and calculations — individual assessment Purpose: To allow students to apply the technical knowledge of relevant accounting standards to financial reporting settings. This assessment relates to learning outcomes c, d. Value: 30% Due Date: Week 9 – 8:00 pm Wednesday of Week 9 Submission: Submission must be made […]
Assessment 2 Assessment Type: Auditing case study – 2500 + 10% word report – individual assessment. Value: 30% Due Date: Week 10 – 11:59 pm Thursday of Week 10 Submission: Upload soft copy of Word .doc or .docx to Turnitin and Moodle via KOI’s Moodle subject homepage. Topic: Research, critically analyse and evaluate key audit […]