BCO1102 – Information Systems for Business Assessment 3: Scoping Report – Group assessment Weighting: 20% Group Report & 10% Group Presentation Grading: Team based mark informed by peer review Due Date: Final Report & Presentation : Week 12 Learning objectives After successfully completing this assessment task, you should be able to: Demonstrate understanding of […]
Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: MBA601 Subject Name: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Assessment Title: New venture short business plan (2500 words) Weighting: 50% – Individual Total Marks: 50 Due Date: Monday of Week 11 at 11:55pm AEST Report to be submitted on Turnitin . Assessment Description. You are to prepare a new venture short business plan. […]
Assessment 3 – INDIVIDUAL Blog and Learning Reflections (40%) This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment that consists of three components: Blog detailing your weekly activities and learning (multi-media) Reflective report, which details your learning journey and explicitly cross-references the blog (written) Self- and Peer-Assessment of groups from assessment 2 (online questionnaire) Weekly blog: Blogs are a […]
A ssessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code MGT201A Subject name Project Management Assessment title Case Study Group or individual assessment Individual Length 750 word (+/- 10%) Learning outcomes addressed A, B and C Submission date Week 5 Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 15% Assessment Brief: National Geographic – Inside Rio Carnaval Available at: […]
ITECH 7409: Software Testing Assignment 2: Working in Agile Environment and Developing Detailed Test Plans with Test Management Tool Due Date: Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 – 16:00 Weighting: 20% Submission: via Moodle Special Remark: The description of the assignment is the continuation of Assignment-1. This assignment is a group assessment, where one submission is made […]
Reflective report: While the blog is built throughout the term, the reflective report is to be developed towards the end of the term, as it requires you to present a critical self-analysis and reflection of your learning as a result of experiencing Design Thinking activity within this unit. The self-analysis and reflection must consider your […]
Business IT and Logistics — Business Project Management (BUSM4611) Assessment 3: Project appraisal report Assessment Type: Report, Individual assessment Word limit: 2300-2500 words (excluding references, title page, table of contents) Due date: Thursday of Week 7 (Thursday at 23:59 AEST/AEDT) Length: No limits Weighting: 30% Overview Each individual student will work on a supplied project […]
1 Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: MBA601 Subject Name: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Assessment Title: 3 minute pitch in-class, and an additional self-reflection recording Weighting: 20% – Individual Total Marks: 20 Due Date: Week 12 (for the elevator pitch in-class) and Monday of Week 13 (professional nursing paper writing service, nursingscribe top experts) at 11:55pm AEST […]
Assessment Title Assessment 2: Health Behaviour Change Diary Task Description Students are to keep a health behaviour change diary using the template on Moodle (‘Assessment 2’ folder). In this diary (1000 words), students are to: • Document ONE key health behaviour you wish to change (i.e. increasing levels of exercise, consume a healthier diet, increasing […]
Health Variations 3 – Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions Credit Points: 10 Unit Level: 2 Assumed Knowledge: Primary health care, foundational knowledge of human biological sciences including human body systems, basic concepts in pharmacology and pathophysiology and the National Health Priorities and the relationship to nursing practice. Note: Students with any problems, concerns or doubts […]