Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code EVT101A Subject name Event Concepts & Design Assessment title Assessment 3 – Project Part C Group or individual assessment Individual Length 1600 words Learning outcomes addressed This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: a) Develop a concept plan from a client brief according to current best practice […]
Organisational Behaviour Research Essay – 30% (Individual Assessment 1) Due Date: 11:30 pm (Thursday – week 6) Length: 1500 words (10% leeway) All students are required required to develop an arguable proposition on which to write an essay. Your paper should be presented in standard academic essay format. The format must be in 12pt font […]
BUHRM5912 Human Resource Management 2nd Semester 2018 Write an individual report on any of the following scenarios within a 2500 word limit. [Choose only one scenario for your individual assignment] Scenario 1 In Australia, ‘on 1 July, 2017, certain penalty rates in the Restaurant, Hospitality, Pharmacy, Fast Food and Retail awards [sic] have changed. The […]
Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c. Value: 20% Due Date: Students are to upload their submission to the Turnitin […]
Written Report – individual assessment (2000 words) Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c. Task Details: This assignment requires a consideration of accounting theory concepts with critical […]
Description Possible Marks / Wtg(%) Word Count Due Date Assignment 3 Written Practical Report 100 marks 40% Weighting 4000Co 08/10/18 Modules 4–11 are particularly relevant for this assignment. Assignment 3 relates to the specific course learning objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4: 1. apply knowledge of people, markets, finances, technology and management in a global […]
Assignment 2 – SIT284 Cybersecurity Management This assessment requires you to conduct investigation of serious security management issue in corporate organisations. You are required to prepare a security management report based on the findings of your investigation. This task assesses your achievement of these learning outcome(s) • ULO2 Assess security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to […]
ITECH 7409: Software Testing Assignment 2: Working in Agile Environment and Developing Detailed Test Plans with Test Management Tool Due Date: Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 – 16:00 Weighting: 20% Submission: via Moodle Special Remark: The description of the assignment is the continuation of Assignment-1. This assignment is a group assessment, where one submission is made […]
Meeting Notes: Mighty Mining Ltd Attendees: Bruce Mackenzie (Audit Engagement Manager), Isabella Woods, Thomas Moore (Audit partner from BMS) and Mighty Mining Ltd Senior Management Date: 30th July, 2018 Staffing: • Operational staff in mines are fly-in, fly-out living on site with a small centralised full-time staff in Head Office in Brisbane • Entrepreneurial Board […]
BS4S16 Leadership & Management Theories Assignment Brief You are required to complete one assignment to test the following module learning outcomes: 1. Critically evaluate the development of leadership and managementtheories; 2. Critically appreciate the nature of leadership and management theories and their application in a range of leadership and managementsettings. 1. Assignment Question Critically evaluate […]