online assignment writing

Sample Picot assignment: My topic Tobacco Use

Adapted from the PICOT Questions Template; Ellen Fineout-Overholt, 2006. This form may be used for educational & research purposes without permission. Template for Asking PICOT Questions INTERVENTION In ____________________(P), how does ____________________ (I) compared to ____________________(C) affect _____________________(O) within ___________(T)? THERAPY In __________________(P), what is the effect of __________________(I) compared to _____________ (C) on ________________(O […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Discuss what factors go into a Prosecutor’s Decision

Criminal homework help Discuss what factors go into a Prosecutor’s Decision to Prosecute and include at least 3 specific page-numbered cites from Chapter 10 cases that are discussed (either from the majority or dissenting opinions). If you were charged with a serious felony, would you prefer to have a preliminary hearing or a grand jury? […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Pharmacotherapy For Gastrointestinal And Hepatobiliary Disorders

Biology homework help Pharmacotherapy For Gastrointestinal And Hepatobiliary Disorders To Prepare Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment Reflect on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed. Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Transnational Human Trafficking

Transnational Human Trafficking Transnational organized crimes have grown since mid-nineteenth century targeting prosperous states. The growth of transnational crime groups has been attributed by globalization of economies and advancement in information technology (Tymoszenko, 2019). The growing threat has affected national and international security, economic stability, public safety, and health. Organized crime groups include human smuggling, […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

COVID-19 Implications category

Each student must choose one topic from the list of provided topics within three different group categories and then rank them in order of first, second and third preference. The assignment must be written using APA 7th ed. formatting including title page, in-text references citing sources, first and second level headings if used, page numbering, […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Describe your personal worldview, including the religious

Draft a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you: Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care. Choose a specific nursing theory that is most in line with your personal philosophy of practice and approach to patient care […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Cure for Parkinson’s disease

Thomas Gennarelli’s research on human head injuries involving adult baboons was one that involved many ethical issues. These issues arose after the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) raided the laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 1984 and stole 32 audiovisual tapes that recorded the experiments. Seventy hours of the tapes were condensed into […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022


Romanticism 1.5 pages in MLA Format 4) Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself, by Frederick Douglass (1262 in Becoming America) American Literature Dr. Armond Boudreaux Reading Responses Your reading responses are an opportunity for you to show me that you are reading the assigned literary works––and just […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology

NUR 641E Topic 3: Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology Mar 17-23, 2022 Max Points:197 Objectives: Describe normal pathophysiology and alterations in electrolytes and their presentations. Differentiate between acid-base imbalances: metabolic acidosis or alkalosis and respiratory acidosis or alkalosis. Compare the role of the respiratory and renal systems in regulating acid-base balance. Describe a pharmacological intervention […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

Governance, Compliance, and Health Policy

Governance, Compliance, and Health Policy Topic: Governance, Compliance, and Health Policy Governance, Compliance, and Health Policy Visit the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website and read the article “The Impact of Health Literacy on a Patient’s Decision to Adopt a Personal Health Record.” Provide a summary of your findings and any insights you have […]

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Date: February 26th, 2022

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