Keeping the ACA 2014 Code of Ethics in mind, read through the ethics vignette located below. Respond to the questions at the end of the vignette and post any additional ethical implications related to the vignette that you identify for your instructor and fellow learners to review. Linda is a 42-year-old licensed mental health counselor, […]
Preparation Review the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct on the APA Web site linked in the Required Resources section of this assessment. Then, conduct your own search for information on the topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service) of ethics in psychology. Find at least three scholarly […]
For this assignment, you will continue to develop your work with the one of the ten cases you identified and began working with at the face-to-face residency. Open the Preliminary Treatment Plan and complete the information in the online form for the tabs titled “Biopsychosocial” and “Treatment Plan.” Once completed, download a PDF and submit […]
Transcultural Perspectives in Mental Health Nursing Read chapter 10 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done, develop and post an analysis of the following cases; 1. Stephane, a 15-year-old Haitian refugee who is living at a center for children of refugees has a severe cough and fever. She is curled […]
Side Panel Expand side panel Breadcrumb: Unit 6 Discussion Previous Next Your active participation in Discussion Boards is critical to the development of your understanding of the main concepts studied in this unit. Further, posting detailed responses allows your professor to guide your thinking and your classmates to respond to your ideas. Please participate as […]
Assignment: Well Woman Health Screenings Please read the following two scenarios and choose ONLY ONE for your initial post; be sure to address all the questions posed and include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post. Breast Cancer Screening A 39-year-old female presents to your office for her annual well-woman exam. She reports […]
A 35-year-old male, Mr. NX, presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain and “just not feeling good.” Regarding his back, he states that his back pain is a chronic condition that he has suffered with for about the last 10 years. He has not suffered any specific injury to his back. He […]
After reviewing the case below, choose two perspectives (neuroscience, humanistic, cognitive, psychodynamic or behavioral) to create a short dialogue between two psychologists discussing Sara’s behavior. Feel free to be creative in your dialogue! Define your two chosen perspectives and briefly discuss the differences of each approach. What was one missing in your dialogue from the […]
Dear Friends, I find myself in quite a predicament due to my own misfortune and bad judgment. My 6-year-old son and I were recently left homeless after I was laid off from my job and my house was taken by the bank. I enrolled my son in a nearby elementary school when school […]
This discussion will allow you to examine several different preventive guidelines related to vaccinations. Please read the following four scenarios and choose ONE for your initial post; be sure to address all the questions posed by the scenario and include at least three scholarly sources within your initial post. Immunizations 1. Patient #1: Two five-year-old […]