Legal drugs, such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, are often viewed as safer than prescription and illegal drugs. In particular, caffeine is viewed as safe by many people as it is not regulated, unlike nicotine and alcohol. Many “energy drinks” on the market, such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, contain high levels of caffeine, […]
Assignment 2: Traumatic Brain Injury: Jefferson’s Case When new parents are expecting a baby, they rarely consider the possibility that the baby could have significant challenges. For those who have children with severe, multiple disabilities, planning for the future is a critical, lifelong process and requires considerable investments of time and effort, while potentially causing […]
Module 10 – Quality Review of Coded Data Fill in the blank: 1. What is the government’s audit plan called? ______________________________ Instructions: Following are excerpts from three CMS-1500 billing forms. In each problem, compare the visit note to the CMS-1500 to detect the […]
Unit 4 Discussion 1 Critical Thinking and Diagnostic Reasoning Please select one of the following case studies and complete the chart. Please review audio-videos, PowerPoint presentations, and assigned chapters to Help with this Assignment. You are expected to role play the selected scenario with a family member to gather necessary data to complete the chart. […]
One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated in one section of the form. Although every member must sign this […]
Week 9: The Middle Stage Once a group has met several times and is entering the middle stage of group progress, the clinical social worker should assess if the goals of the group plan are being met. This is especially important in groups that have a limited number of sessions. One of the ways […]
Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to educate a group of medical students participating in their grand rounds. There should be at least ten slides in your Microsoft PowerPoint as well as a title slide and a slide listing all your sources for creating this slideshow. You should also create speaker notes for each slide of […]
1. In the following sentence, which words are used as adjectives?The golden rays of the bright sun reflected off the clear waters of the calm lake.A. The, of, in, clear, and calmB. Golden, rays, clear, and watersC. The, rays, the, sun, the, waters, the, and lakeD. The, golden, the, bright, the, clear, the, and calm2. […]
In order to provide the appropriate intervention, social workers first need to have conducted a thorough assessment. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client and their social environment, including the influence of racism and ethnocentrism, allows a social worker to accurately identify the presenting problems and help the client develop goals to address their […]
Social workers are expected to apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment, person‐in environment, and other multi-disciplinary theoretical frameworks during stages of engagement, assessment, intervention, and Assessment when practicing in the field. This discussion is intended to help you demonstrate and develop your critical thought related to these practice behaviors. Review the […]