In the digital age, where technology is more of a requirement than an option, counselors are often faced with the challenge of knowing how to effectively manage boundaries. The following case study will help students understand real-life challenges that counselors often face regarding boundaries and technologies. Case Study: Latisha is a 32-year-old African American doctoral […]
S.C. is a 21-year-old college student. She presents with intermittent wheezing. She has a history of asthma as a child but had been free of symptoms until this year. She has symptoms 1 to 2 days per week but denies nocturnal wheezing. Her symptoms do not interfere with her normal activities. She has never […]
Jack, an 8-year-old White male, was referred to the local guidance clinic by his physician. He has a history of school problems and poor social relations, and he has struggled with an illness in his family. His mother reported that Jack was overly active as an infant and toddler, and once he started school, his […]
Criminology Project Student Name Institution Detailed Overview of the Offender’s Profile This project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) describes Drake Carter aged about 25 years of age. He is a sex offender who […]
Case Study: Chronic Stable Angina E.H. is a 45-year-old African American man who recently moved to the community from another state. He requests renewal of a prescription for a calcium channel blocker, prescribed by a physician in the former state. He is unemployed and lives with a woman, their son, and the woman’s 2 children. […]
You are a social worker at an out-patient mental health facility. Your new client presents with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and noncompliance with her medications. To deal with the mood swings, she has been abusing painkillers and alcohol daily. Currently homeless, she has been sleeping on her friends’ couches. Her boyfriend is emotionally and […]
Treatment programs cannot always be 100% effective, and many substance abusers relapse into drug abuse after days, months, or even years of sobriety. With the marginal success of treatment programs, it is even more important that people never start using drugs. As such, prevention strategies are of utmost importance. Case Study Part I Aaliyah […]
1) Minimum 4 full pages Cover or reference page not included You must submit 2 documents. You must answer the questions 2 times in each document. Copy and paste will not be admitted. You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions. 2)¨******APA norms All paragraphs […]
Select a developmental model and apply it to the following scenarios. Determine if the presenting issue could be accounted for based on typical development or if the issue appears to be pathological. Scenario 1: A mother brings her 2-year-old toddler to a play therapist because her child is banging her head on walls […]
Informed Consent & End of Life Mrs. Sparza, a 70-year-old grandmother with limited English skills, is scheduled for surgery on her right eye. Upon entry to the hospital, she and her son review the general admission documents and Mrs. Sparza signs them all. Mrs. Sparza also completes and executes a durable power of attorney for […]