Group A: Last name A-L Class members with a last name A-L will respond to Discussion #1, and class members with a last name M-Z will respond to Discussion #2. Topic 1: Vaginal Itching Subjective Martha is a 24-year-old female who presents to the clinic with a 3 day history of vaginal itching. She […]
Urinary Obstruction Case Studies The 57-year-old patient noted urinary hesitancy and a decrease in the force of his urinary stream for several months. Both had progressively become worse. His physical examination was essentially negative except for an enlarged prostate, which was bulky and soft. Studies Results Routine laboratory studies Within normal limits (WNL) Intravenous pyelogram […]
Assignment 1: Discussion—Cultural Differences: Kayin’s Case Professionals must work with families to understand cultural and linguistic characteristics specific to each child. This is critical in determining whether a child’s experiences are typical of someone coming from a different background as opposed to a true disability. These issues can be complex as exceptionalities are seen across […]
Rogers Read the following case study and answer the questions following it: Dr. Smith is a well-respected pediatrician who is a prestigious and powerful member of his community. He is married and an active member of a local church. During the routine physical examination of a 14-year-old boy, Dr. Smith removed the child’s undershorts while […]
It’s important I meet the competencies…! Overview Create a 15-minute oral presentation (3–4 pages) that examines the moral and ethical issues related to triaging patients in an emergency room. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 1: Explain the effect of […]
In roughly four pages, write a letter to someone in a younger or future generation. Draw from what you’ve learned in this course to address unjust treatment(s) of some kind(s). Think of Coates’ Between Me and the World (2015) as a kind of guide–not necessarily a guide for the content of your work, but a […]
In week 2 [Essay writing service – your education, our expertise: Get any assignment done with our professional essay writers before your deadlines – Zero AI, Human experts and Fast delivery.], you were introduced to the bystander effect (Darley & Latané, 1968). The perceived diffusion of responsibility makes bystanders less likely to intervene in an […]
Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy In this discussion we examine the principles and techniques of both behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy. Use the following scenario to develop your responses to the next two questions: Assume that you work in a day care center and take care of four 6-year-olds. […]
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Reference the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. […]
Case 2: Volume 1, Case #7: The case of physician do not heal thyself PATIENT FILE 69 The Case: The case of physician do not heal thyself The Question: Does the patient have a complex mood disorder, a personality disorder or both? The Dilemma: How do you treat a complex and long-term […]