REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that […]
NURS 6630 Week 8 Case Study: Insomnia Assignment 2: Assessing and Treating Sleep/Wake Dysfunction Sleep disorders cause alterations in a person’s sleep pattern (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Unsurprisingly, a sleep issue can impact one’s general health, safety, and happiness. Sleep disorders can be treated psychopharmacologically by psychiatric nurse practitioners, however many of these medicines might negatively […]
Assignment: NURS 340 Covid 19 Case Study Write a document 1-2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double-spaced with 1” margins, and include at least two citations using references less than five years old. You must address both components (one and two) of the case study. 1 […]
GCU NRS 493 Topic 1 Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice. This reflection journal also allows students to outline what […]
Now that we are half-way through the course, share what you have learned about your communication skills. In addition, since you are going to be working on revising your outlines to write your final proposals, what do you think about revision? The novelist, John Irving said, “Half my life is an act of revision.” How […]
Nurses can be an integral part of designing public policy as political leaders. As a registered nurse, you have a professional commitment to improve health care. However, many nurses are not politically active and do not lobby for important aspects of their profession. What are the reasons many nurses do not actively engage in lobbying […]
Nursing Case Study: Labour and Birth Process Chapter 13, Labor and Birth Process 1. Emily, age 32, has an obstetrical history of G1, T0, P0, A0, and L0. Emily’s week of gestation is 39.1. Emily telephones the health care provider’s office and tells the nurse she believes she is in labor. Based on her assessment, […]
Homework: Health Care Ethics Papers. In each case, answer the questions at the end of the case and give researched references to support your assertions; also, explain what would be the ethical course of action and the legal requirements for action in the case. Case One Mrs. G. has an aneurysm in her brain that, […]
NURS 4060 Health Promotion Plan. Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service) list provided. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. […]
Dangers of Weightloss Drugs Discussion. The Dangers of a Weight Loss Drug by Libertas AcademicaOpens in a new window For this discussion we will use another case study from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS) from the University at Buffalo. This case study explores the order and linkage of the biochemical […]