Gastronomy Subject Code HOS203A Assessment Title Report Graduate Capabilities • Professional Expertise • Global Citizenship Learning Outcome/s a. Relate current concepts of gastronomy to its historical evolution. b. Examine the relationships between people, place and cuisine. d. Connect technological and social changes to food culture. Assessment type Individual Weighting % 35% Word count 2000 words […]
Refer to course syllabus for discussion board grading rubric! Chapters 5-6 Answer each of the following questions: What are the differences among causal, intervention, and impact theories? What are the relationships among the possible functions of effect theory and the selection of optimal interventions? Imagine that you have been asked to explain to your colleagues […]
NRSG375 Clinical Leadership Assessment Task 3: Written assignment (45%) Discuss and analyse in more detail 2 of the discussion posts that you submitted for assessment task (AT) 2 and use contemporary literature for support. For the 2 posts that you choose, you are to re-write (not duplicate) the posts you choose to critically discuss and […]
Overview Sometimes nature presents itself as a laboratory, where scientists can study results that are far more broad-based than any test they could set up in a controlled environment. COVID-19 “shutdowns” offered such an opportunity, when large geographic areas reduced activity to stop the spread of COVID-19. Scientists are studying the impacts on air quality, […] How are you conceptualizing HR analytics? What are the contributions and limitations/ challenges of HR analytics to the organization? What is the potential impact of the use of HR analytics on stakeholders? Be sure to provide the URL in your post and check the Rubric for Discussion Boards for how the post will […]
Unit 4 Discussion Treatment of Hypothyroidism. Due 31. 1000w. 4 references You are evaluating a 53-year-old white female who wants to talk to you about lab work that she had done recently at “Any Lab Test Now”. • She wanted to have lab work done because she was feeling tired and unmotivated. Additionally, she had […]
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain (knowledge, facts, information) Descriptors of Levels of Learning Illustrative Verbs Secondary/Post-Secondary Levels (undergraduate) 1. Knowledge – remembering previously learned material. The skill may involve recall of a wide range of material, from specific facts to complete theories, but all that is required is the bringing to mind of the appropriate information. […]
2000 words essay – 1)a very brief summary of some of the major public health issues affecting your community; 2)the actual effects on groups and individuals; 3)the potential effects of this kind of situation on a cross-cultural community; 4) what you, as a developing public health practitioner have learned that can apply to addressing this […]
MHI-815-INFORMATICS FOR ADVANCED PRACTICE Module 3: Discussion Assignment Description: Technical Support to Healthcare: Electronic Health Records and Applications Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples: CLABSI prevention, Sepsis risk assessment, Vaccination schedules, etc.). 1. Discuss how technology and informatics are utilized to support the interventions of Advanced Practice Nurses? 2. Discuss how employing evidence-based practice guidelines […]
Psychiatric SOAP Note Template Encounter date: ______17/05/2023__________________ Patient Initials: ___G.W.___ Gender: M/F/Transgender _Male___ Age: __15___ Race: ___Caucasian__ Ethnicity __White__ Reason for Seeking Health Care: “For the past three weeks, my son has been quite depressed. He has not been eating well and prefers to spend his after-school hours alone in his room. He used to […]