Social Problems . For this discussion question, you may choose one of the following two prompts. Prompt 1: You recently read an article explaining how, in American society, questions of fact are increasingly becoming questions of politics. The article on climate change showed how politics and information intersect in increasingly confusing ways. What is another […]
Prompt: Consider everything you have learned in this course about social problems – problems of inequality, problems of social institutions, problems of social behavior, and so on – and think about what you have learned in light of the article on Karen Wood’s death. What social problems do you see in the story? How did […]
Review, study, and report on a domestic or international terrorist event. Pick one of the following events or an event of your choice. Mumbai, World Trade Center, Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing., The Aurora, Colorado active shooter incident., Then, address the following:, Look for indicators that might have been missed in preventing the event. Suggest […]
List and describe the three different layers of homeland defense. APA-Perdue OwlLinks to an external site. APA format is required. Title page, reference page, in text citations (see above link for help.) References and in text citations must be formatted in APA. Course reference(s) and one outside reference are required. Do not copy and paste. […]
In 3-4 paragraphs, discuss if you believe Edward Snowden’s actions were of benefit or harm to the nation? Explain your answer. Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words. Homeland Security ______________ The actions of Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, have sparked a debate about whether his revelations were […]
NUR400 Week 6 Discussion: Target and Accessible Population. Step 1 Using your PICO question: 1. outline specifically what is your target population and your accessible population? 2. Explain the difference between an accessible and a target population. (You may create another PICO question if you what to change what you previously wrote, but answer the […]
Unit 2.1 DB: Human Services Codes of Ethics After reviewing the codes of ethics of the National Human Services Organization, the American Counseling Association, and the National Association of Social Workers (order custom written ‘academized’ nursing papers) address the following questions with examples from the codes of ethics: What are the major ethical principles of […]
Poli 422. Compare and contrast the levels of Bipartisanship in U.S. Congress during the cold war with respect to the Vietnam conflict and the current and ongoing War regarding Ukraine invasion by Russia under the regime of President Vladimir Putin. With the use of examples, explain the concepts of Divided Government and One-party government and […]
In the last couple of decades, certain incidents or moments have become litmus tests for larger historical understandings. The arrival of Columbus to the New World is one such event. Both historians and the public at large have debated the meaning of Columbus’ voyages and his legacy. In this journal, please explain what you understand […]
High Stress. Our immune system serves many purposes. What role does immunity play when caring for a patient who is experiencing a high amount of stress due to a loss? In order to receive FULL CREDIT for this assignment: Please make an initial post by midweek Respond to at least two other student’s posts with […]