Unit 4 Discussion Treatment of Hypothyroidism. Due 31. 1000w. 4 references You are evaluating a 53-year-old white female who wants to talk to you about lab work that she had done recently at “Any Lab Test Now”. • She wanted to have lab work done because she was feeling tired and unmotivated. Additionally, she had […]
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain (knowledge, facts, information) Descriptors of Levels of Learning Illustrative Verbs Secondary/Post-Secondary Levels (undergraduate) 1. Knowledge – remembering previously learned material. The skill may involve recall of a wide range of material, from specific facts to complete theories, but all that is required is the bringing to mind of the appropriate information. […]
2000 words essay – 1)a very brief summary of some of the major public health issues affecting your community; 2)the actual effects on groups and individuals; 3)the potential effects of this kind of situation on a cross-cultural community; 4) what you, as a developing public health practitioner have learned that can apply to addressing this […]
MHI-815-INFORMATICS FOR ADVANCED PRACTICE Module 3: Discussion Assignment Description: Technical Support to Healthcare: Electronic Health Records and Applications Choose a specific evidence-based practice (examples: CLABSI prevention, Sepsis risk assessment, Vaccination schedules, etc.). 1. Discuss how technology and informatics are utilized to support the interventions of Advanced Practice Nurses? 2. Discuss how employing evidence-based practice guidelines […]
Psychiatric SOAP Note Template Encounter date: ______17/05/2023__________________ Patient Initials: ___G.W.___ Gender: M/F/Transgender _Male___ Age: __15___ Race: ___Caucasian__ Ethnicity __White__ Reason for Seeking Health Care: “For the past three weeks, my son has been quite depressed. He has not been eating well and prefers to spend his after-school hours alone in his room. He used to […]
READ- The fundamental difference between the case study control method and the randomized control trial is what the study is looking for. A case control study compares patients who have a disease or conditions to a similar group of patients that do not. This is used to determine if a person is at risk of […]
HND731: Learning and Teaching for Health Professionals 2022 Assessment Task 2: Education plan 3000 words 60% weight Purpose of assessment task 2 It is important that health educators understand the factors that influence learning and are able to tailor education for the learning needs of the individual or group. Due date: Monday 26th September 2022 […]
Based on the discussion in chapter 7 (Stratification, Class and Inequality), respond to the following questions: (1) What are the key nature, characteristics and attributes of social stratification as a sociological concept? (Length: At least 200 words; Max points = 5) (2) Compare and contrast Karl Marx and Max Weber’s perspectives on social class. How […]
Mcdonaldization of society and its four principles(Efficiency, calculability, predictability and control), ideas and arguments related to Mcdonaldization. Word limit will be 1500 and (APA) 7th style. McDonaldization of Society The McDonaldization of society is a sociological concept developed by George Ritzer in his 1993 book, The McDonaldization of Society. Ritzer argues that the principles of […]
Contemporary Public Health Issue Although the United States is among the wealthiest nations in the world, it is far from being the healthiest. Life expectancy and survival rates in the United States have improved dramatically over the past century, but Americans have shorter lifespans and experience more illness than people in other high-income countries. This […]