I am a teenage girl. But I am not an average teenage girl; I do not participate in the sleepovers where we paint each other’s nails, talk about boys, and watch Legally Blond, I do not go to the mall hoping to find those fabulous shoes on sale, and I do not get manicures. I […]
It was Saturday October 21, 2000. I was ten. I decided I wanted to play with my dolls hair, but for some reason I wanted to be outside. I walked out in my pajama’s holding my American Girl Doll and sat down on the familiar cement walkway that lead up to my front porch. I […]
My only source of light I had was a flashlight clutched in my small hands, flicking around the pink tent in which I was holed up inside. I heard a small ruffling coming from outside the tent and I jumped, facing the flashlight towards the sound. It was only my small teddy bear, falling over […]
I picked up the phone, slowly dialing the number to her house. All I could think was, What could we possibly have a conversation about? Nothing! I didn’t think I could have anything in common with someone who is 50 years older than me. “Your grandmother won’t be around forever,” my mom said. So I […]
“Miss. Devin, watch this! Miss. Devin! Miss. Devin, watch!” “Yes Tegean, I’m watching,” I say as I turn to watch the little, two-foot-nothing girl in the black cheetah leotard attempt, once again, a forward somersault. And, once again, I watch her splat flat on her back on to the floor mat. I have been doing […]
A little girl runs fast across the parking lot, vibrant red sneakers slapping the rough pavement. Her sparkling purple barrette, nearly hidden among a shock of black hair, bobs up and down in time with each resilient step. A stream of bubbling laughter trails behind her. She closes her eyes and drinks in the rushing […]
At the age of twelve, I accidentally uncovered a new mentality. After an uncomfortable and prolonged night of air-travel to the country of Brazil, I lifted the sliding window shade beside my seat, which slightly illuminated the quietly awakening plane. As I peered down upon the great metropolis of Sao Paulo, a fresh curiosity awakened […]
Brazil Essay, Research Paper Stretching over 2,500 stat mis form east to west and 2,700 stat mis from north to south, Brazil is the universe s largest tropical state. The lone states that are larger are the lands of Russia, Canada, China and the United States. Brazil has more so 150 million people spread unevenly […]
Tobacco usage is a first subscriber to deceases from persistent and chronic diseases. There are 10 Filipinos who die every hr due to the wellness hazards caused by coffin nail smoke. In malice of the Torahs forbiding coffin nail advertizements. a figure of immature tobacco users have continued to turn. It appears to be upseting […]
My day in the sun had arrived – my magnum opus would be revealed. I had just delivered a memorized speech that I had labored over for weeks, and I was about to learn how the panel judged my performance. The polite but sparse audience leaned forward in their folding chairs. A hush fell across […]