UNSW Human Research Ethics Advisory Panel C: Psychology THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Human Research Ethics Advisory Panel (HREAP) C – APPLICATION FORM IMPORTANT: In answering the following questions, please be guided by both the instructions accompanying each question and the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2018). You may also […]
Teaching Period 2, 2023. Describe the process on how you acquired the evidence, and the methods you used to prove the evidence is authentic and not modified during the acquisition process (for example was there a chain of custody). The Acquisition process involves 2 steps: 1 Duplication: State the forensic method used. For example, if […]
Case Study Team Charter Case Study Name: We Care Medical Center: Allocating Costs Team Presentation Goals: Determine best allocation to receive the greatest benefit from a financial and customer standpoint. Review of financial statements to ensure align with existing practices, financial goals, and organization’s mission statement. Benefits gained outweigh the associated risks fully detailed and […]
Assessment Name The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge of the competitive advantage concept. You will be required to write an essay addressing the following questions: To gain a competitive advantage a business must have a good strategy and a strategic process. Do you think organisations face challenges in trying to develop […]
The Internet of Things As information technologies continue to evolve and become more interconnected, organizations and society face both opportunities and risks. Rainer and Prince (2020) consider the Internet of Things to be “invisible ‘everywhere computing’ that is embedded in the objects around us” (p. 269). What are the implications to people and organizations of […]
Assessment 1 – Knowledge Questions Assessment task description: • This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency. • The Knowledge Test is comprised of nine (9) written questions • You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor. • You […]
Develop a story that depicts your understanding and experience of ldblquote learningrdblquote and what is meant by ldblquote learning theoriesrdblquote . You do not need to use a particular learning theory, although you can if you choose, but rather show an understanding of what they are and their purpose in learning and therefore how they […]
Assessment 2 Written Assessment (30%) Due Date: Week 9 Word Count: 1200-1400 words The goal of this assessment is to assess students’ knowledge and application of communication and conflict resolution skills in community services. Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4eObpGH3l0 Complete copy of Thomas-Kilmann Mode Instrument. Look at results provided – student identifies 2 conflict resolution modes on […]
Conduct a critical appraisal of the literature demonstrating an understanding of qualitative research A Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research Methodology: Unraveling the Nuances of Human Insight Introduction: Qualitative research methodology serves as an invaluable tool in social sciences, enabling researchers to explore the complexities of human behavior, perceptions, and experiences. This critical appraisal aims to […]
Psychotherapy Note 1 Encounter date: ________________________ Patient Initials: ______ Gender: M/F/Transgender ____ Age: _____ Race: _____ Ethnicity ____ Reason for Seeking Health Care: ______________________________________________ HPI:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SI/HI: _______________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: _________________________________________ Appetite: ________________________ Allergies (Drug/Food/Latex/Environmental/Herbal): ___________________________________ Current perception of Health: Excellent Good Fair Poor Psychiatric History: Inpatient hospitalizations: Date Hospital Diagnoses Length of Stay Outpatient psychiatric treatment: […]