EXTRAS Scott Westerfeld Extras by Scott Westerfeld fits into the Juvenile Science Fiction genre. It is narrated in first person by the protagonist of the story Aya Fuse. It is the fourth volume in the Uglies trilogy, and unlike the first three books we are guided through this adventure by Aya Fuse a fifteen-year-old Japanese […]
Walt Disney, Warren Buffett and Tom Cruise all did one thing early on in life that put them on the path to success. Like many other self-made CEOs, politicians and celebrities, they delivered newspapers when they were young. In the humble newspaper-delivery business, these luminaries learned fundamental principles that helped them succeed. My first book, , […]
Children portray certain behaviors, such sucking looking and grasping to almost anything that comes their way, one may not understand and even fail o explain this they behave this way, but it’s one way that children discover or explore the world around them. Through these behavioral actions which mostly are motor skills oriented, a child […]
Discovery of Eris in 2005 by Mike Brown, a minor body that is 27 percent bigger than Pluto. Eris had trumped Pluto and become the 9th largest body known to orbit the sun. The finding became the trigger that changed the face of our solar system, defining the planets and adding Pluto to a growing […]
PROSTITUTION Prostitution is defined as the act, practice or profession of offering the body for sexual relations for money. (New Webster’s Dictionary 1995:802). The Encyclopedia Americana (1997) defined prostitution as “the performance of sexual acts with another person in return for the payment of a fee. ” Child prostitution is therefore, prostitution embarked upon by […]
The popular television show, Two and a Half Men, has been on the air for just under a solid ten years. Even after ten years, and a complete main character change, it is still one of the most watched and beloved shows on television today. Most would argue, including myself, that the original version starring […]
With more than 4 million copies in print in the English language alone, Man’s Search for Meaning, the chilling yet inspirational story of Viktor Frankl’s struggle to hold on to hope during his three years as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps, is a true classic. Beacon Press is now pleased to present a special […]
What should the nurse suspect when hourly assessment of urine output on a vasoconstriction patient exhibits a urine output from a catheter of 1 ,500 ml for 2 consecutive hours? A) Cunning’s syndrome B) Syndrome of inappropriate antipathetic hormone (SHAD) C) Adrenal crisis D) Diabetes insipid 2. The PACIFIC staff have brought a patient to […]
Sampling theory is part of research and how samples are taken in order to conduct an experiment or a type of clinical trial. There are two major categories of sampling methods, one is probability sampling methods where all subjects in the target population have equal chances to be selected in the sample (Shorten & Moorley, […]
Life has always been filled with different challenges. Sometimes, these challenges were enough to change the way we deal with life in general. There were people who get disappointed and depressed, making their lives more miserable. And there were others, who despite of their hardships and challenges, manage to live them most of their lives […]