There are numerous significant motives in the1999 film entitled American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes. In this film, Lester Burnham– a 42-year-old, depressed suburban father has a mid-life crisis and voluntarily decides to turn his chaotic life around after developing a fascination for his daughters attractive friend, Angela. Similarly, The title American Beauty is proven […]
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO CASE ZERO PLAGIARISM FIVE REFERENCES CASE STUDY 1: Focused Nose Exam Richard is a 50-year-old male with nasal congestion, sneezing, rhinorrhea, and postnasal drainage. Richard has struggled with an itchy nose, eyes, palate, and ears for 5 days. As you check his ears and throat for redness and inflammation, you notice […]
Discussion Topic A 52-year-old man is admitted into the hospital, awaiting a cervical spinal fusion after suffering from an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accident. His chief complaint is neck pain and numbness and tingling in his fingers. Concern exists that he has suffered from some injury to his spinal cord. 1. Following the surgical procedure the […]
74-year-old African American woman, Ms. Richardson, was brought to the hospital emergency room by the police. She is unkempt, dirty, and foul-smelling. She does not look at the interviewer and is apparently confused and unresponsive to most of his questions. She knows her name and address, but not the day of the month. She is […]
J.C is an 82-year-old white man who was evaluated by a GI specialist due to abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, and occasional nausea. Past Medical History (PMH): Patient is Diabetic, controlled with Metformin 500 mg by mouth twice a day, Lantus 15 units SC bedtime. Hypertensive, controlled with Olmesartan 20 mg by […]
Insomnia Case Study Patient is a 31-year-old male. He states that his insomnia has gotten progressively worse over the past 6 months. Per the patient, he has never been a “great sleeper” but is now having difficulty both falling asleep and staying asleep at night. The problem began approximately 6 months ago after the sudden […]
A 70-year-old female comes to your clinic with complaints of forgetfulness Imagine not being able to form new memories. This is the reality patients with anterograde amnesia face. Although this form of amnesia is rare, it can result from severe brain trauma. Anterograde amnesia demonstrates just how impactful brain disorders can be to a patient’s […]
Deliverable 4 – Action Plan for Responding to Negative Online Reviews Assignment Content 1. Competency Explore problem-solving skills for business analysis. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario You manage a […]
write a SOAP note on adult Acute or Chronic Disease Subjective: The patient is a 45-year-old male presenting with symptoms of acute/chronic disease (specify the disease). The patient reports feeling (specify symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, shortness of breath, etc.). The symptoms have been present for (specify the duration of symptoms) and have been […]
Use your lecture materials to determine what CPT E&M Code and ICD-10 diagnosis code to utilize for this “new patient” encounter using the medical decision-making (complexity) approach. Provide justification for the code you assigned by including the following information in your discussion: This patient presents to a local health center. As the provider, you must […]