Module 2: Assignment N493 Week 8 Module 2: Assignment N493 Week 8 Discuss aspects of a health concern not being addressed despite the efforts of services and partnerships involved and describe the ultimate outcome(s) or goal(s) from Healthy People 2020 relating to that specific health concern-This will be the health topic (sample nursing essay examples […]
Gastrointestinal Disorders Week 9 T.H., a 57-year-old stockbroker, has come to the gastroenterologist for treatment of recurrent mild to severe cramping in his abdomen and blood-streaked stool. You are the registered nurse doing his initial workup. Your findings include a mildly obese man who demonstrates moderate guarding of his abdomen with both direct and rebound […]
Assignment 5: Medical history of hypertension. Assignment 5: Medical history of hypertension. #1 A 35 year old G1P0 is 20 weeks gestation with a past medical history of hypertension. Her pregnancy has been uneventful; however, at today’s appointment, her blood pressure was 150/100mmHg at first check and 15 minutes later was still 136/90 mmHg. She […]
Using Change Strategies to Increase Sam’s Compliance Using Change Strategies to Increase Sam’s Compliance review Learning Exercise 8.3 – Using Change Strategies to Increase Sam’s Compliance (located in Chapter 8 of the textbook) Answer the following questions: What change strategy or combination thereof (rational-empirical, normative-reedeucative or power-coercive) do you believe has the greatest likelihood of […]
PICO And Literature Search Week 9 HW PICO And Literature Search Week 9 HW Purpose: PICO questions are used by practicing nurses and researchers to focus research questions and develop an efficient literature search strategy. It is essential that future nurses learn how to do this to develop evidenced-based solutions to patient care problems in […]
Assignment 4: Passage of HR 5223 For this Assignment, you will create a slide and audio presentation in which you will present information to support the passage of HR 5223. You may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another presentation software of your choosing. Your audio presentation should put forth a convincing argument based on your […]
Week 1 Discussion Forum Nutritional assessment. ‘Week 1 Discussion Forum Nutritional assessment. Please respond to the following discussion prompts. 1. Explain the components of a nutritional assessment. What important subjective and objective assessment findings will Help the nurse in developing a nutritional plan? Use evidence from one scholarly source other than your textbook or ATI […]
Mental Health Anxiety Case Study Discussion 7 Mental Health Anxiety Case Study Discussion 7 In this assignment, you will review the interactive Mental Health Anxiety Case Study . esson_05/rc_nu614cs_05_splash.html patient scenario and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient. You will need a minimum of two evidencebased practice articles to include […]
Professional Development and Reflection WK 4 Professional Development and Reflection WK 4 Develop a policy for admission criteria for other units in the hospital (Emergency Department) in the hospital to refer to for suitable admission the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). This policy will encompass admission guidelines, defining who would make admission decisions. Part 1: […]
BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business Mode | Classroom Delivery BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives Supporting: BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules © Skillworks Australia Pty Ltd, 2018 Copyright: Provided under license from Skillworks Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. This document and its contents are protected […]