Be aware that to receive the full credits for any discussion you must illustrate the knowledge of the subject, support your opinions with the facts from secondary sources, min. 200-250 words for each reply. For more requirements, please review the discussion grading rubrics below. Please answer under the Topic question. Elements of Marketing Plan Welcome […]
Problem Statement Marine plastic pollution is on course to double by 2030 and triple by 2040 in an unsustainable rate without changing course. Plastics and microplastics, which comprise 85% of marine pollution, contaminate the worlds’ water supplies, causing substantial harm to public health, economies. and the environment (UNEP, 2021). In large part it is due […]
Assessment 1 details Carefully read and follow all instructions in the exam before you begin. This online take home exam will be made available on 7 September 2023 at 10am and must be submitted on or before 8 September 2023 at 12:10pm. You must upload your paper before the due date and time: 8 September […]
Refer to Chapter. 1 to review the three major sociological perspectives. Use all three perspectives (functionalism, conflict and interactionism) to analyze any current issue: (Global warming, terrorism, gender roles, personal branding, science and technology, utopian society, economy, leadership, discrimination, relationships, health, gun control, immigration, disabilities, minimum wage, abortion, cohabitation, etc.). Write a 700- to 1,000-word […]
The prevalence of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s) has increased on your hospital unit by 20% in the last two quarters. As a member of the Quality Improvement (QI) committee, collaborate with your committee colleagues from other disciplines to develop an interprofessional action plan. What would your clinical question be that guides your QI […]
Discussion week 1. General Instructions Read the following article from the Chamberlain library and address the questions below. Sacks, & Peca, E. (2020). Confronting the culture of care: A call to end disrespect, discrimination, and detainment of women and newborns in health facilities everywhereLinks to an external site.. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), 249–249. Include the […]
Psy 120 self care reflection and care plan. Goal: To reflect on what you are doing for self-care and design a weekly self-care plan. OVERVIEW: Self-care is defined as “actions an individual might take in order to reach optimal physical and mental health” (GoodTherapy, 2019). Engaging in activities that you view as self-care should make […]
Discussion 5: Historical Contribution of the Nursing Profession C2.a. 1. Select a nurse that historically contributed to the profession’s advancement. Describe the background of the nurse selected. Discuss the significant social issues occurring at the time the nurse lived. Describe two contributions the nurse made in practice, including explaining how these two unique contributions influenced […]
“The Role of Nurses and Nutrition in Promoting Patient Health”: Introduction Nutrition plays a fundamental role in human health and well-being. The old saying that “we are what we eat” holds true, as a balanced diet is essential for preventing disease and supporting recovery from illness or injury. While dieticians and nutritionists specialize in advising […]
Careers and Roles in Corrections Journal Entry. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please complete the assigned readings in your textbook (PDF chapters attached below), watch the CRJ303 – A Career in CorrectionsLinks to an external site. video interview of a corrections officer, and review all required resources for this week. You may also […]