HIST DQR Aaron Bettis As an African American, Christian, resident of Atlanta Georgia, and member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, I feel the need to speak on our behalf. The work that the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Dr. King have been able to do regarding Civil Rights, voting, and desegregation is undeniable. The […]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 5 and 7 in the textbook. Read 7 Real Media Pitch Examples From PR Experts to Help You Get Coverage (Links to an external site.) , 6 Ways To Pitch an Editor and Get Noticed (Links to an external site.) , and Ways to Successfully […]
Please write a response to the article below using the guidelines-(Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way.) […]
FORUM WEEK 1- NUR 202 C I. On assessment, the nurse notes that a client with acute kidney injury (AKI) has developed fine crackles in the lung bases bilaterally. a. What should the nurse do? b. Describe the phases of the AKI and laboratory findings (Onset, Oliguric Phase, Diuretic Phase, Recovery Phase) c. Include nursing […]
Discuss interview methods and potential mistakes in interviewing candidates. Exercise Instructions: You are required to submit a 2-Page (Title Page and Content Page), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service) and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, […]
Review the Case Study document. Assume upper management of the organization is interested in understanding the impact its branding and competitive strategies have on consumer choice, as well as the impact of the bargaining power of consumers in the health care market, especially on your products and services. Please read carefully. Review the grading rubric […]
COMM DQR Diego Magana My name is Diego. I was born in El Salvador, and I was raised in New York, and no I don’t have a strong New Yorker accent. I am currently active duty in the Navy and stationed at the Naval Academy in Maryland. Before here I was in Okinawa Japan for […]
Financial Literacy in School: A Descriptive Correlation Study of the Absence of Financial Literacy Taught in Schools Comment by Patricia Akojie: Keep working on this title. Looks like you have already concluded that there is an “absence” of financial literacy in schools. Comment by Jennifer Vitale: Comment by Jennifer Vitale: Comment by Patricia Akojie: What […]
RNBS 4601 RN-BSN Community and Population Focused Nursing Pandemic Preparedness Virtual Investigative Clinical Activity 16 Hours of Clinical Credit Read all instructions before completing assignment. Objectives: 1. Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions toward meeting the desired population outcomes. 2. Apply theory and research knowledge to address identified population health concerns. 3. Articulate an ethical […]
Reply to: One way to increase internal and external validity is by balancing, meaning we distribut the effects of an extraneous variable across treatment conditions of the experiment. We do not want to sacrifice internal validity for external validity, we must first have internal validity before we reach external validity. If you reach internal validity […]