NRS-490 Topic 1 Assignment Individual Success Plan (ISP) Details: Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and your overall program of study. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course mentor. You will need to establish a plan for successful completion of (1) deliverables […]
LDR 800 (Ethical Dilemmas and Stewardship) Entire Course LDR 800 Module 2 Assignment Empirical Article Checklist Details: Empirical research is the foundation to scholarly research and scholarly writing. An empirical article is defined as one that reports actual results of a research study. An empirical article will include a description of the study, an introduction, […]
LDR 802 Progressions in Leadership Thought Entire Course Grand Canyon LDR-802 LDR 802 Module 1 DQ 1 Leadership is defined in many ways. For some leadership is a construct within which to situate oneself on the basis of a title or a set of behaviors or skills. Others view leadership as a calling of sorts […]
LDR 615 Topic 8 assignment Benchmark – Change Initiative: Implementation, Assessment, and Sustainability LDR 615 Topic 8 assignment Benchmark – Change Initiative: Implementation, Assessment, and Sustainability Point Received: 250/250 Details: You will utilize your change model for this assignment. Review the feedback submitted by your instructor on your previous change model assignment. Make any changes […]
CRJ 630 Week 6 Final Project- Organizational Budget Plan Organizational Budget Plan For this assignment, you will develop an organizational budget plan utilizing your choice of budget reports. Although your Organizational Budget Plan will be professionally relevant, it will be structured according to established academic guidelines and will contain an introduction, literature review, budgetary line […]
ORG 807 Module 7 assignment Stakeholders and Systems Thinking Details: The notion of a system maintains that every moving part in an organization plays a role in the entire system. Stakeholders influence the systems in which organizations reside in a variety of ways. In this assignment you will write a paper that connects systems thinking […]
GC PSY655 Week 6 Assignment Unintended Consequences Details: Write an essay (1,250 – 1,500 words) analyzing the unintended consequence(s) of a decision. To frame the context for this assignment, consider the following questions: Leadership is hard; why? Perhaps the culprit is the tangential difference (disconnect?) between the intellectual, emotional, and inspirational decision relative to the […]
GC PSY655 Week 4 (your nursing study bay) Assignment Workplace Stress Details: Write a 1,000-1,250-word essay analyzing the following: 1. What are some of the measured and unmeasured costs of workplace stress? 2. What are some of the more common individual actions recommended to reduce workplace stress? Seek out at least three individuals within your […]
GC PSY655 Week 1 Assignment Evolution of Leadership Theories Details: In a 500-750-word essay, do the following: 1. Briefly outline the evolution of theories on leadership. 2. Describe how one theory led to the next. 3. Explain how the practical application of leadership styles have changed because of this evolution. 4. Include two scholarly sources; […]
RES 850 Module 5 Assignment Using MAXQDA Details: For this assignment, assume the role of a researcher in the qualitative analysis phase of the study. The data are gathered imported into MAXQDA for analysis. At this point, there are parent codes and sub-codes. However, the software requires human intervention to move past codes to categories […]