LEADERSHIP IN ACTION: PRACTICE 3 CHALLENGE THE PROCESS (30 points) The purpose of the Leadership in Action assignments is for you to do things to grow in the five leadership practices – to develop your leadership skills. You will not be graded on whether you had a positive outcome in taking the step, but rather […]
Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Assignment: For this assignment, analyze a persuasive message which was delivered in speech form. Analyze the purpose of the speech, the context of the speech, the claims in the speech, the audience for the original delivery of the speech, and the rhetorical appeals used in the speech. Finally, evaluate whether the message […]
The research and practice of leadership focuses on the leader while the role of the follower is often neglected. · Using the overview provided in this week’s lecture and readings, how do follower perceptions affect a leader’s style? · How might you best assess follower perceptions of your leadership style? · What can/should a leader […]
Each student must post (1) substantial initial post with a minimum of 270 words. All initial posts must contain at least (2) professional references (must be within 5 years), one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format. Late discussion posts are not accepted in this course. For the initial post […]
Watch the film Jobs, questions to consider while you are watching the movie: What was Jobs’ motivation to start the business? How did Jobs’ personality affect his ability to start the business? How did it hurt? What did Jobs do that IBM missed in the early days of establishing Apple? How did the competition react […]
Responses such as “I agree”, “thanks for that information – I didn’t know that”, “I experienced that also”, etc. will not receive participation credit. Please do not repeat what is already mentioned in the post. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and minimum of 2 peer reviewed or scholarly sources with 5 years […]
Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: · Textbook: Chapters 7, 8 · Lesson · Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions The principle of utility involves maximizing happiness as a desirable outcome of decisions. Although it does not get directly said, there is an inverse intention […]
Week 4 (your nursing study bay) Case Study: A 55-year-old high school teacher begins experiencing a cough after a parent-teachers conference. Initially it was a mild cough and the teacher thought nothing of it since he had a history of asthma. As he was driving home, the cough became more intense, and he began experiencing […]
Writing Assignment Due through Canvas, Friday, April 1 We regularly hear news reports about different NASA missions, but often the details, goals, and accomplishments of these missions is not clearly reported. Take this opportunity to pick a NASA mission and research in more detail what this mission is all about. Pick one of the following: […]
Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts The Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts (Code) replaces the Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts (2014). All BCBA and BCaBA applicants and certificants are required to adhere to the Code effective January 1, 2022. This document should be referenced as: Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020). Ethics code for […]