Chicago Forum Please comment on the following questions/comments about the film Chicago. First make a general statement about what you thought of this musical before you address the 4 questions. (remember your responses should be substantive). General Procedure: Please respond with your comments regarding the following questions below and then reply to two of your […]
Choose a business/organization and use it to analyze its 9 building blocks based on the Business Canvas Model . Students are encouraged to link the Scaling Up business principles with the canvas model analysis. Both research and student’s own perspectives on the business/organization should support the paper. Use a variety of reputable sources to support […]
HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMMES Academic Year 2022: January – June Formative Assessment 1: HPXS200-1 NQF Level, Credits: 6, 20 Weighting: 40% Assessment Type: Project Educator: Charles Muranda Examiner: Charles Muranda Due Date: 25 March 2022 Total: 70 Marks Instructions: 1. This paper consists of 1 Project requirement. 2. Your submission will consist of: a. Zipped Java […]
FoMLSS/INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, MARKETING, AND BRANDING INTEGRATED SERVICES MARKETING, MAR6011-B Assessment: 21/22 Submission Date: 15:00 on 9th May, 2022 (Electronic Submission using Canvas) TYPE OF ASSESSMENT Individual Coursework INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module assessment Coursework Brief This coursework involves developing a 3000-word written report analysing a service organisation in […]