I raised my hand and it fluttered in the air for a moment. “Yes?” asked the woman, before my fingers could retreat. “What occurrences in your life influenced your writing?” I asked, softly at first, then louder as I was encouraged by her nod and smile. She looked around the room, thinking. The day was […]
Will Rogers once said, “If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.” When determining the laws of life that appealed to me, this quote emerged in my mind. The rising generation has the potential for great […]
Nothing in the room moved. I looked up, stared at my friends, and looked back down at my knees. In a matter of seconds something in the room had changed. We had gone from laughing and joking to sitting in complete and utter silence. I looked up again. A quick furtive glance and then it […]
My dad died when I was ten. That was the first domino to fall. Then my mom took over his business and in her spare time, escaped her accumulating problems by focusing on religion. Since her attention was elsewhere, her six kids had to take care of themselves. We struggled in different ways to overcome […]
African-Americans used singing the blues as an escape path; although pain, suffering, and disappointments were the topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s of the blues, the reason for singing them was for a temporary relief f the pains and struggles of their oppressed lives. (Townsend, 1997) Later on into […]
The Case of Leo Frank and How It Impacted AmericaLeo Frank was a Jewish superintendent of a National Pencil Factory in Atlanta Georgia who was convicted in 1913 of the murder of a gentile girl, a 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan. It is argued that Frank was falsly convicted in this case, maybe because of his […]
This essay will not complete without knowing who Is Benjamin Franklin really, Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. He was the tenth son of soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Benjamin mother was Bah Folder, the second wife of Josiah. In all, Josiah would father 17 children. Josiah intended for Benjamin to enter […]
My physical body at rest, my head floods with memories, and two people come to mind. My imagination creates the setting drinking morning coffee. My grandfather approaches me and my cousin balancing three coffee mugs in one hand. As I’m sitting there, astonished and fascinated I ask myself, how am I with them? My grandfather […]
Personal Essay Professor Maurino Hazel Proper May 29,2019 Goodbye Mother When speaking or thinking of death and dying, sadness hits, love is missing from life, love from a mom I barely knew. To be able to see her one more time and tell her how much shes missed and loved would be a dream. When […]
The Best Friend Suicide Amigo, comrade, partner, main squeeze, pal, BRB, homier, and adage are all words used to describe our friends. Abraham Lincoln once said “a friend is one who has the same enemies you have,” but friends are so much more than that. Our friends are our life source. Virtually anyone anywhere has […]