Assessing Mood Disorders Mood problems often constitute a primary reason why parents seek professional help for their children or adolescents. Most often, mood problems include irritability, sadness, or anger. A certain amount of moodiness and impulsivity is normal during childhood and adolescence; therefore, it makes it exceptionally difficult to diagnose children and adolescents with conditions […]
A logic model is a tool that can be used in planning a program. Using a logic model, social workers can systematically analyze a proposed new program and how the various elements involved in a program relate to each other. At the program level, social workers consider the range of problems and needs that members […]
Jorge is a 4-year-old boy who is an only child living with both parents who work fulltime jobs so he spends his afternoon at his grandma’s house playing video games until his parents pick him up. Jorge’s parents shared that his pediatrician noticed that Jorge’s weight is above average for his age and height. You […]
1. In many Romantic stories, there are two worlds. One is the real and hard-to-see one (that the hero/heroine discovers); the other is the false one in which most people (including parents/step-parents/teachers) live. These people in the false world usually do not see/believe in the real world. With at least one page reference and quote […]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 of your course text and explore the Subject Categories (Links to an external site.) web page. Mental health professionals are a diverse group and range greatly in their scope and depth of practice. In terms of doctorly prepared practitioners you will often find yourself working with psychologists, psychiatrists, […]
Clinical Judgment is the process of integrating evidence-based practice, critical-thought, the Nursing Process, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as application of theory to practice in order to promote safe, quality care to clients in all settings. Keeping that in mind, answer the following scenario: You are the Charge Nurse in a large Urban Emergency […]
Questions to answer on this write up 1)Explain how sociocultural factors might impact the care plan for patients in the case study your colleagues selected. 2) Based on your personal and/or professional experiences, expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives Casestudy 2 You are seeing a 28-year-old African American female, […]
Discussion Assignment: Respond to the following Response Post # 1 & 2 Explain how you might apply knowledge gained from the Response case studies to your own practice in clinical settings. · Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient. · · Suggest additional health-related risks that might […]
Discussion Question Imagine you are tasked with conducting a counseling intake interview with a 19-year-old college student who is feeling sad, unmotivated, and worried about his grades. It is the student’s first semester at school, and he is finding that he has gone from being an A student in high school to a B- student […]