CLIMATE CHANGE DEMYSTIFIED Since 97% of the experts accept and trust the evidence about Global Warming and it’s causes, it may not be fair, or representative to present the opinion of the other 3% as it was a 50% of the debate. To be fair we shouldn’t have a one to one debate about it, […]
Module: Criminal Law and the Law of Criminal Evidence Module Code: LAW-5-CL2 Credit Value LLB 20 CAT’s Assessment Trial Observation Date for Submission: Friday 30 April 2021 via online submission on Moodle. COURSEWORK FORM FOR SUBMISSION STUDENT CANDIDATE NUMBER………………………………………………. ONLINE TRIAL NAME………………………………………………………………………. DATE OF VISIT……………………………………………………………………… DURATION OF TRIAL (HOURS)…………………………………………………. NUMBER OF DEFENDANTS………………………………………………………. OFFENCE CHARGED………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. […]
COMMERCIALISATION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Question is ‘Since the enactment of the 1623 Statute of Monopolies, which prohibited the grant of a monopoly by the Crown but in section VI created an exception for a patent for “the sole working or making of any manner of new Manufactures … to the true and first Inventor and […]
To: From: Subject: Date: Thermohaline Circulation It is fascinating how currents move a thousand meters below the surface of the water. The ocean currents circulate through the influence of water density, where the density of water is determined by water salinity and temperature in a process known as thermohaline circulation (Waldman, Robiny, page 8407-8415). The […]
Community Policing Strategies For Reduction of Crime Rates And Police Mistrust Community Policing Introduction/Background The problem of the prevalence of crime is a global problem affecting all societies and communities in any given geopolitical location. Societies experiencing high crime prevalence have factors catalyzing high crime rates, including unparalleled social disorders, trivial trust across all organs, […]
Law Topic: The National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal 2021 in the context of white supremacy and domestic terrorism Constitutional Challenges to Implementing a Policy Pursuant §1781 within the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2021 (NDAA) The National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal 2021 in the context of white supremacy and domestic terrorism. Use […]
Final Exam Social and Political Sciences 1) For Week 12 I asked you to choose a movie to watch from a Canadian filmmaker. Take that movie, whatever you chose, and a) discuss what course themes/concepts you see reflected in the film, and b) whether there is anything distinctly Canadian about the film. This question is […]
What lead formerly incarcerated people to homelessness? 1) Methods of Data Analysis 2) Explain the how you will analyze the data step by step. 3) Writing Up of Study Findings 4) What are the study findings? Use this section to summarize the findings for your reader. 6) Implications of Study Findings a. Please list two […]
International Standards and Best Practices in Airport Border Management The two international airports at the state of Catdom have been of great importance to travelers, especially those within the continental union. Due to the rising concerns of the porous border in the state, which has caused a rise in criminality, such as drug trafficking, border […]
Legalization Efforts of Marijuana chapter 12 discusses the issues with legalizing drugs. Marijuana is usually the drug that most people refer to when discussing legalization efforts. Visit the website: This website is obviously in favor of legalizing marijuana. Click on a few states (in addition to Florida) to learn about their specific laws related […]