Anheuser-Busch I. Executive Summary Since it’s founding in 1852 Anheuser-Busch has brewed a great product. Today Anheuser-Busch is controlling the industry by creating brand supremacy over their competitors. Anheuser-Busch has a very successful and long standing history with their marketing and advertising, this has aided in giving them the edge they needed over the competition. […]
She wore soft green eyes, curly blonde hair, and velvet red lips that existed from eight to ten every tuesday night, for ten weeks. Normally shy guys like me can’t look at girls like her and it took me three whole weeks just to break the ice. She changed my whole perspective on love. Long […]
“I was born to dance. It is said that I didn’t fall out of my mother’s womb; I danced out, my tiny body wriggling and flailing like a wild woman.” These lines come from the first page of a book that isn’t a New York Times best-seller or a selection from Oprah’s Book Club. In […]
Strange. How we express our love. “Why are you crying?” My ten year old heart thundered in my chest and my eyes furiously roamed over my little sister. Pale pink ribbons at the front of her dress were torn. My little five-year-old tweety bird, huddled in the corner of the bus seat. Tears spilled from […]
It is the third day of Advanced Placement Literature class, and my teacher, Mr. Morris, presents us with a poem. Feelings of incomprehension rise up. Then, he reads the poem aloud with powerful tone and appropriate inflection. Imagery, allusions to Greek mythology, symbolism, and meaning in the poem seem to reveal themselves through his recitation. […]
How would your childhood have been if you didn’t have a mom? It would’ve been bad especially if you’re a girl. You would’ve missed out on all the dress up parties, cookie baking, and mother daughter stuff. That’s how my childhood went. That’s why I believe that two parent’s are necessary for a healthy child. […]
Don’t Back Down “I’m still gunna have recess, right?” Of all things, recess was the only concern I had about skipping a grade. I didn’t consider the challenges of being a year younger than the rest of my class. Then again, what six-year-old does? Recess would not be the only problem in my career. I […]
A five-year-old girl stands alone in a room. There’s silence; no one is watching her but me. She climbs atop a bar stool that towers over her head. There’s no one to halt her curiosity or tell her to get down. She knows better, but she’s reckless. With her arms stiff at her sides, she […]
My physical body at rest, my head floods with memories, and two people come to mind. My imagination creates the setting drinking morning coffee. My grandfather approaches me and my cousin balancing three coffee mugs in one hand. As I’m sitting there, astonished and fascinated I ask myself, how am I with them? My grandfather […]
In movies and books, people often describe a defining moment when they figure out who they are. However, I never thought it actually happened in real life. I never expected to have a “moment” of my own. When it arrived, mine was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined. During the spring of […]