They were storming the castle – the enemy were dressed in a disguise and armed with little colorful rocks, that if they made their way into your mouth, they would rot you from the inside-out. While they slowly crept towards me in a swaying motion, I knew I had only one option. I ripped through […]
I was once told by my parents that there were no such things as ghosts. It didn’t take me long to see otherwise. When I was eight years old, I visited the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) for the first time while on a field trip with my elementary school. Since my sense of direction […]
I was aware instantly that I had been changed. My bodywas paralyzed with excitement and my eyes frozen with amazement as I focused onthe objects in front of me. It is rare that an experience so powerfuloccurs at age three, but my path in life was chosen before I could tie my ownshoes. My first […]
A watershed Election is one that changes history. The candidate has a campaign that decides the course of politics for decades; one that is especially memorable, or that proves to be a dividing line between historical periods. The election of 1896 was just that. The depression of the 1 8905, and President Cleveland unwillingness to […]
Week 6: Neurologic and Musculoskeletal Disorders Sabrina is a 26 year old female who has just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She has scheduled an appointment for a follow up with her physician but has several questions about her diagnosis and is calling the Nurse Helpline for her hospital network. As she talks with the […]
Dealing with your sallow-cheeked skeleton of a crack head mother is a challenge that no child ever wants to face, but if it’s something you must do I’ve learned a few things that can be achieved to keep yourself protected. I am not promising you that it will prevent or stop your perpetual heartache because […]
My problem has always been that I have too much to say. While other babies stumbled over “dada” or “uppy”, my parents tell me, I uttered not a first word, but a first paragraph. I outtalk my cell phone minutes practically every month; thank god my best friend has the same network as I do. […]
“You’re in for an engrossing lesson today!” says Nida Yildiz in an ominous voice, as we shuffle into our seats. The Helpant teacher hesitantly places scalpels into the trays already on our desks. “We’re dissecting something, aren’t we?” my best friend Deniz says, her face already turning multiple shades of green. Mrs. Yildiz, my biology […]
Stepping onto that grey marley dance floor was like landing on another planet. To my left, there’s a seventyish woman in a thong leotard. She is a cross between Bette Davis in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? and one of those dancehall hostesses from Sweet Charity. To my right is an even older man […]
She was wearing red. No, it was white. Yes, a white blouse with subtle lace detailing at the collar. She hid behind a newspaper with her glasses on the tip of her nose. We could tell she was reading the comic section because a gentle smirk rested on her face. Her name was Mrs. Morrison, […]