Assignment 1: Practicing Policy Review For your Social Change Project, due as your Final Assignment in Week 10, you will propose policy alternatives that address the social problem you selected for study in week 2 [Essay writing service – your education, our expertise: Get any assignment done with our professional essay writers before your deadlines […]
A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically read an investigative study. For this assignment, choose a research article related to nursing (ATTACHED). The selected articles should be original research articles. Review articles, concept analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should not be used. Mixed-methods studies should not be used. Dissertations should not […]
n response to research study Some questions were presented related to the research study…Please respond to the questions below 1. What will be the benchmarks for inclusion in the research study? 2. What are the reasons and significance for selecting this topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)? 3. When […]
Policy Formulation: Agenda Setting DQ The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all US citizens and legal residents to obtain qualifying health coverage. In this week, you will explore the Individual Mandate section of the new health reform law. TASKS: Explain the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA including the tax penalties that […]
This week, you imagine interviewing a historical figure who participated in a social movement. Select one historical figure from this week’s resources whom you would interview. Note: You may pick any person mentioned in Chapter 3, even if they are not discussed in the pages listed in the required readings. By Day 7 Write at […]
(GAH) feasibility plan Discussion The foundation of the Golden Age Hospital (GAH) feasibility plan is supported by the growing senior population in an already densely senior populated Mission Viejo area. There is currently a void of dedicated senior health services in the areas outlined in this plan. According to the California DMV, by 2033 the […]
Essay: Development of sexual orientation What does evidence-based research say about the development of sexual orientation in young and middle adulthood? Though the body of literature addressing sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, is far from complete, the literature continues to grow. Your awareness of this literature helps inform your social work practice as […]
General health concerns Discussion A health crisis can occur at any phase in an individual’s life span. General health concerns, however, tend to increase with age. As a social worker, your awareness of the biological aspects of middle adulthood will inform your work with clients in this life-span phase. In this Assignment, you address the […]
Evidence based practice (EBP) impact your nursing care 4 Read textbook chapters 1, 3, 4 and 6 . After reading the assigned chapters and reviewing the posted content for this week, think about the importance of research and evidence based practice to the profession of nursing. Think of your own clinical practice – how could […]
Discussion: Company in the healthcare industry First, create a company in the healthcare industry. It can be a hospital, physician practice, pharmaceutical manufacturer, laboratory, nursing facility etc. You have been hired by this company as the Compliance Team from the FIU Business Consulting Firm to write a corporate compliance plan. You will then be required […]