NHS-FPX6008 Assessment 1 Proposing a New Initiative Research an economic opportunity that might be available within your health care setting that will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care. Then, write a 2-4 page proposal for an initiative to take advantage of that opportunity, supported with economic data and an analysis […]
Week 1 Discussion Essay: Foundational Neuroscience Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents. Foundational Neuroscience for the Week 1 Discussion Essay Foundational Neuroscience for the Week 1 Discussion Essay Explain how psychopharmacological drugs work on a spectrum from agonist to antagonist. The spectrum of agonists to antagonists shows how substances, whether they come […]
Assignment Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: NURS 6521 Week 1 Discussion: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics As an advanced practice nurse Helping physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on the body. The relationships between drugs […]
There are a variety of different regression algorithms used within machine learning. Task List and identify other forms of regression algorithms (not Linear regression, Multiple linear regression, Nonlinear regression) and their use cases. Guidelines This is to be completed as a word document with 200 words.
剽窃跳棋;turnitin、copyscape、safeassign、剽窃研究等 学生在从事学术工作时应该记住的一件主要事情是,他们应该提交免费剽窃的作品。 确保您提交的作品不包含剽窃痕迹的最佳方法之一是使用剽窃跳棋。 通常这样的跳棋会编译一个相似性指数,并突出显示学生作品中包含剽窃的部分。 有许多在线剽窃检查器,您可以使用它来检查您的作品中的剽窃,如下所示。 *Turnitin。 该程序检查不适当的复制以及引用错误。 值得注意的是,这个程序有一个广泛的材料数据库,它比较你的工作。 然后,它编译一个相似性索引,并突出显示您的工作中似乎直接从另一个来源复制的部分。 关于这个软件的好处是,它甚至指示给定的突出显示信息已被复制的特定来源。 因此,毫无疑问,turnitin是一个有效的在线剽窃检查。 *Copyscape。 此程序检查您的工作是否重复。 因此,它判断你的作品是否是原创的。 这个程序的弱点之一是它无法检测到常用短语。 因此,这意味着如果您的作品包含太多常用短语,则可能会被标记为剽窃。 这个有用的剽窃检查器还提供了一个与你的内容匹配的链接。 *安全签名。 这是另一种用于检查剽窃的工具。 这种剽窃威慑工具识别提交的论文和数据库中的论文之间的重叠。 这个剽窃工具检查器也帮助学生理解不仅如何解释,而且如何引用解释的信息。 *剽窃研究。 这是另一种剽窃检测工具。 该程序通过将提交的作品与不同页面中的在线作品进行比较来运行。 它在生成剽窃报告方面相对相当快。 它还突出了提交的作品中包含剽窃的短语。 值得注意的是,您不应该完全依赖在线剽窃检测工具来确定您的作品是否原创。 你应该仔细地手动完成你的工作,以确定你的论文中使用的所有想法最初是你的还是属于其他学者的。 必须适当引用从其他来源获得的资料。
Length: 750-800 Words, typewritten, double-spaced pages, Due Date: Purpose of assignment: The purpose of the assignment is in two folds: 1. to demonstrate understanding of the basic components of argument: claim/thesis, evidence/support, structure, rhetorical strategies, and appeals and 2. to demonstrate recognition that successful writing emerges from a process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, documenting, and […]
Read and watch the Airbnb Story. Tell us how Digital Transformation of Business Models happened in this company by applying Chapter 3 and the supplementary reading and video: Reading: https://insights.ehotelier.com/insights/2020/03/11/how-airbnb-has-inspired-digital-transformation-in-hotels/ video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W608u6sBFpo&ab_channel=Greylock
The submission is in essay format and presents an original argumentative research paper. The paper’s introduction effectively provides context for the proceeding paper content. The paper’s thesis statement previews the paper’s 2 to 4 main points and presents an appropriate argumentative subject for the paper. The paper’s main points are effectively developed, and each of […]
Offers and Advertisements Offers and Advertisements In terms of legal definition and impact, how do we distinguish an advertisement from an offer? Legally, an offer is defined as a promise whereby one party presents an intent to proceed to forming an agreement. With an offer, there is need for the contract to have definite and […]
Placing Sources into Context Start Assignment Listening and Reading Assignments (Optional) Podcasts of Interest: Caitlin Fitz on US responses to the independence movements in Iberian America (https://benfranklinsworld.com/episode-090-caitlin-fitz-age-american-revolutions/ (Links to an external site.)) Fernanda Bretones Lane on the Congress of Vienna and “second slavery” (https://soundcloud.com/historiaspod/historias-89-fernanda-bretones-lane-2020-sturgis-leavitt-winner (Links to an external site.)) Martha S. Jones on battles over […]