Computing Project Proposal Version 16 – October 2018 English, Literature and Philology Student’s Email Address: The email address should be exactly the same that is used in communicating in the Laureate’s email system ( Project Title: (Your title should tell the reader the key objective of the research) Proposal Submission Date: (Update this with every […]
Task • In the manner of a synopsis, write or proffer generic or application-specific pseudocode and draw a flow diagram for a suitable machine learning implementation (considering all stages or phases of the machine learning process) to address a business intelligence or engineering (technological) problem of your choosing. Submit a brief report showing the work […]
Task Using any suitable open-source research dataset of your choosing (e.g., from Google Dataset Search (Links to an external site.) or UCI Machine Learning Repository (Links to an external site.)), carry out the following tasks: 1. Build and train classification and/or regression models from the dataset in any suitable programming environment of your choosing (e.g., […]
There are a variety of different regression algorithms used within machine learning. Task List and identify other forms of regression algorithms (not Linear regression, Multiple linear regression, Nonlinear regression) and their use cases. Guidelines This is to be completed as a word document with 200 words.
There are different types of classification algorithms that are used for machine learning, some are very similar to each other, while others can be quite different. Look at two classification algorithms and see whether you can see any differences or similarities to each other. Task • In the manner of a synopsis, highlight and discuss […]
There are two main types of neural networks, these are biological neural networks and artificial neural networks. Within machine learning, we are dealing with artificial neural networks. There is a selection of different types of artificial neural networks, but do they relate to each other, and if so how? Task • In the manner of […]
American with Disability Act and Age Discrimination Answer the following questions 3-4 paragrahs per question cite any sources Q 1Read either Chapter 8 (Murgia) or Chapter 10 (Sutton) from Employment Discrimination Stories, matching the case you briefed for your Written Assignment. What did you learn from this text reading that shed new light on the […]
Diabetes Type 2 Introduction In the 20th and 21st centuries, chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, digestive, and respiratory infections have been on the rise. Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disorder that causes glucose or sugar to accumulate in the blood. According to global reports, diabetes type 2 has affected families and the financial […]
Four Ramp Differential Instructions: Read assignment submission instructions on pages 4 to 5 of the course syllabus. Your essays will be graded on content to include grammar and spelling. While there is no end to what you might write you must convey your thoughts in essay of at least four to five pages excluding cover […]
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