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The 2011-2013 Russian protests

How 2011-2013 Russian Protests were Unsuccessful, and the Fair Elections were not Held Abstract The 2011-2013 Russian protests were characterized by a public uproar against corruption and tyrannical government systems. Essentially, a significant number of people in Russia outrightly protested against Putin’s administration due to preliminary factors that were mostly attributed to lack of accountability […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Crimes Against People: Rape

Crimes Against People: Rape Abstract Rape is the forced sexual violation of an individual, either male or female, by another person. Over time, laws have been developed to protect individuals from rape. Initially, many legal frameworks applied the England Common law in their issues related to the law include the rape crime. In this paper, […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Free Education

Free Education Abstract This research paper aimed to analyze the impact of free education on the enrollment and completion of higher education programs. Different states have implemented various programs covering the tuition fees for students falling in identified categories. Tuition remains an essential expense for a student to get an education, but it is prudent […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

What is a discourse community that you are part of?

Reaction paper 2 1. Get familiar with the concept of a discourse community with the reader friendly examples on SocialMettle. (Links to an external site.) A key distinction from communities in general is the word “discourse,” which refers to communication. This concept helps us understand and analyze writing from a specific angle. What is […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

The evolution of racism

The evolution of racism Racism is when you judge a person’s personality, intelligence, and other cultural and behavioral traits based on their race. It backs up the idea that some races are better than others. In the legal, economic, and political-institutional systems, these terms are used to keep discrimination alive. Because of this belief, there […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence

China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence Reflection paper #1 China’s Pursuit of Semiconductor Independence Center for Strategic & International Studies Semiconductors and the U.S.-China Innovation Race Watch the video clip and read the article. Write a summary of the main points and the overall takeaway from your reflection. You are expected to apply IPE concepts discussed […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

BILD 3 Discussion Section Activity: Genetic Drift

BILD 3 Discussion Section Activity: Genetic Drift Your name, student ID number, and section_____________________________ Names of the other students in your group: _____________________________ Genetic drift is a change in a population’s gene pool that occurs as a result of chance events. Genetic drift results from the fact that some individuals have more offspring than others […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

The fall of Saddam Hussain in 2003

Here are some of the important highlights that you need to cover in order to understand the conflict in Iraq after the US invasion of 2003. Please don’t limit your self to only these questions: 300-400 words – What type of government was formed after the fall of Saddam Hussain in 2003? – Who was […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

Health and Social Care Dissertation Essay

Health and Social Care Dissertation Essay Writing Services Health is concerned with the total wellbeing of an individual. On the other hand, social care is the type of care that the vulnerable and sick people receive in the society. It therefore follows that these two fields of study are related. As a matter of fact, […]

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Date: June 6th, 2022

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