Alterations in Immunity Donna, a twenty-one-year-old nursing student, comes to her nurse practitioner in December with a five-week history of itchy eyes and nasal congestion with watery nasal discharge. She also complains of a “tickling” cough, especially at night, and she has had episodes of repetitive sneezing. She gets frequent “colds” every spring and fall. […]
Examining Chest X-Rays Chest x-rays are an invaluable diagnostic tool as they can help identify common respiratory disorders such as pneumonia, pleural effusion, and tumors, as well as cardiovascular disorders such as an enlarged heart and heart failure. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to differentiate a normal x-ray […]
Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Final Project Preschool Plan For this Final Project, you will be given the opportunity to pull together everything you have learned these past five weeks into a cohesive classroom plan for a three- to five- year-old preschool program. The following is the make-up of your classroom. You have 12 […]
Gastrointestinal disorders are a significant cause of stress for pediatric patients and their families. Symptoms of these disorders range from mild to severe and may include complaints such as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, nausea, bloating, and fatigue. Since multiple disorders can result in these same symptoms, it is important to carefully assess patients to […]
Exam 4: Programs 10-13; Chaps. 2, 11, 12 and 15 # 1.1(1 pts.) Roger is experiencing a memory loss that may be related to recently contracting herpes. Which of the following diagnoses would best fit his condition? A) dissociative amnesia B) retrograde amnesia C) amnestic disorder due to a general medical condition D) substance-induced amnestic […]
Assignment 3 DUE: Jan 27, 2019 11:55 PM Grade Details Grade N/A Gradebook Comments None Assignment Details Open Date Jan 14, 2019 12:05 AM Graded? Yes Points Possible 100.0 Resubmissions Allowed? No Attachments checked for originality? Yes Top of Form Assignment Instructions This assignment is due at […]
EXERCISE14.1-Designing Assessment Research Find a description of a social program in a daily newspaper or use the following article about a hypothetical program. (If you select a newspaper article, attach it to the exercise.) “Pets Are Welcome Guests” Residents of the Pondview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center have a series of unusual guests […]
Make a SOAP Note Not a narrative essay: Assessing Muscoskeletal Discussion: Assessing Muscoskeletal Pain The body is constantly sending signals about its health. One of the most easily recognized signals is pain. Musculoskeletal conditions comprise one of the leading causes of severe long-term pain in patients. The musculoskeletal system is an elaborate system […]
You receive the following letter from a former friend: Dear Friend, I find myself in quite a predicament due to my own misfortune and bad judgment. My 6-year-old son and I were recently left homeless after I was laid off from my job and my house was taken by the bank. I […]
Application: Eye on Development, Part 1 Week 3: Observing Children 3 to 5 Years Old This week, you are continuing to work on Part 1 of the Application Assignment for this course. The video segment you will view features children who range in age from 3 to 5 years. Keep in mind that Part 2, […]