Canvas assignments (2022/23 Academic Year) 7ENT1125 Smart Manufacturing Assignment Title: CW2: Literature Review This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes (from Definitive Module Document): 1. Distinguish the technological and operational needs of smart manufacturing. 2. Critique architectures of smart manufacturing systems. 3. Explore strategies for improving manufacturing performance using connected factory solutions. 4. Evaluate […]
Discussion Thread: Philosophical Assumptions and Interpretive Frameworks MANAGE DISCUSSION This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible due Jan 19 No unread replies.No replies. Discuss, in-depth, the process of research compiled by Denzin & Lincoln (2011) located in the Read: Creswell & Poth: Chapter 2. Be sure to include the questions researchers should ask themselves […]
Assessment Tasks and Instructions Student Name Student Number Course and Code Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV002 Maintain the quality of perishable items Stream/Cluster Trainer/Assessor Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details Assessment 1 Assignment Assessment 2 Practical Observation Assessment 3 Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 1 2 0 3 0 Reasonable Adjustment […]
Question / Scenario Jenna is a trans-woman who has been experiencing homelessness for over 3 years. Jenna was previously living with her wife however after the marriage ended, she struggled to get back on her feet. Jenna has accessed emergency shelters in the past however was often discharged due to aggressive behaviour. Jenna shared that […]
ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGT502 Business Communication Assessment Instructional Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length 5 minutes Learning Outcomes comple a) The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful tion of the task below include: Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements. c) Identify and […]
Deliverable 3 – Psychological Contract Training Outline and success as a leader. You want to know their leadership style and how effective they were in previous positions. You have concluded your interview and now must create a hiring report from the interview. Instructions Select a leader you know from personal experience or one that you […]
ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management Assessment Assessment 3 – Project Charter Report Individual/Group Individual Length 2,000 words (+/- 10%) Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Assess the importance of project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts […]
Compare and contrast deontology and utilitarianism and provide one example of both. You will need to include one research/scholarly reference from within the past 5 years with an in-text citation in all of your posts/replies: initial, peer and instructor. User generated content is uploaded by users for the purpose. —> Deontology and utilitarianism are two […]
Medical Errors – Policy and Procedures Reporting errors in healthcare is an essential component of patient safety. For this assignment, you will assume that you are a healthcare administrator at a healthcare facility (Hospital, long term care facility, clinic, etc.). You are tasked with creating a process for reporting errors and reducing adverse events at […]
Mgt425 Discussion: 7.1 Learning Outcomes: Find some structured ways of dealing with complex managerial decision problems. Explain simple decision models and management science ideas that provide powerful and (often surprising) qualitative insight about large spectrum of managerial problems. Demonstrate the tools for deciding when and which decision models to use for specific problems. Build an […]