HP Tech Ventures, the corporate VC arm of the giant aims to further HP’s mission by nurturing startups that can add significant value to HP’s industry-leading technology now and in the future. By forging strategic partnerships with cutting-edge disruptive startups, HP Tech Ventures hopes to foster an ecosystem of innovation. As a corporate venture arm […]
Take a moment to review the details of this assignment below and gather any necessary files. Once you’re ready to submit your assignment, move on to Step 2.Assessment Description Educators are often tasked with selecting reading materials for students. These texts might be used in whole class, small group, or one-on-one instruction, or they might […]
Introduction & Background Information The everglades Everglades are a unique and complex ecosystem made up of sloughs, marshes, hardwood hammocks, pine rocklands, sawgrass prairie, and mangroves, that provides an essential biological framework for half of the ecosystem in South Florida. However, the European settlers saw the everglades as a “wasteland” and they began the digging […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgfiCryNY2I After reviewing the video “How to describe a building,” describe the Isidore Heller House designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1897. You can refer to the terms explained in the aforementioned video, but remember to proceed from general to specific features. You are most welcome to use the drawings and images […]
Write a 4-6 page paper in which you do the following for the Coca-Cola Corporation Choose the two segments of the general environment that would rank highest in their influence on the corporation you chose. Assess how these segments affect the corporation you chose and the industry in which it operates. Considering the five forces […]
Corporate social responsibility is a broad concept. Explain the dimensions of social responsibility. What actions should organizations take to maximize each dimension of social responsibility? What is the relationship between social responsibility and organizational success and profitability? What evidence can you provide to support your position? There are several potential ethical issues related to marketing […]
Discussion: I will do the recording. Initial: 400 words, make up 2 replies to 2 students 200 words each. Try out recording your final presentation…. (which is also the assignment for this week) First, create a few PowerPoint slides to be used for the presentation. Next, record a draft version using www.screencast-o-matic.com or another free […]
Discussion questions Instructions: 250 words per discussion. At least 1 outside reference MGT-377 Module 4 Discussion In the recent past, businesses contracted with countless suppliers to boost competition between suppliers and reduce costs. However, the buyer-supplier relationship was price-based. Describe five to seven methods to reduce a supplier base? Module 5 Discussion A vast majority […]
Choose a film, TV series, or novel that you enjoy, and apply your sociological imagination. Use some course term, theory, or concept to analyze some aspect of the society depicted. You should watch (or rewatch) the film, read the entire novel, or watch at least 3 episodes of the TV show. Then, you’ll write 300-400 […]
Review the Case Study document. Assume upper management of the organization is interested in understanding the impact its branding and competitive strategies have on consumer choice, as well as the impact of the bargaining power of consumers in the health care market, especially on your products and services. Please read carefully. Review the grading rubric […]