GCU NUR646 Week 1 Assignment Pre-Practicum Preceptor, Faculty Week 1 Assignment Pre-Practicum Preceptor, Faculty, and Student Conferences Prior to starting practicum hours, students are required to arrange a conference with their preceptors to review the course objectives and discuss the proposed practicum experience. Students and preceptors will attest to meeting by signing the “Practicum Preceptor, […]
Discussion 1 Have you ever received an email from a company or website that you visit on a regular basis (FedEx, your bank, Paypal, your bank) and were told that you needed to click on a link to provide more information? The link often takes you to a “website” that looks legitimate? What were some […]
Instructions You are a Human Resources Manager at Fly Eagles Fly, Inc., a company that makes custom sports jerseys for domesticated parrots. Draft a 1 page memo to the CEO of the company addressing the following: 1. Describe a discrimination issue facing your workplace (you can focus on discrimination based on race, religion, ability, national […]
Week 3 Assignment Questions Calculate your pre-tax rate of return (profit divided by investment) in each of these scenarios (show your calculations): 1. buy 1,000 shares of ABC common stock at $50 and sell at $60 one year later. 2. buy 1,000 shares of ABC common stock at $50, borrowing 50% of the amount necessary […]
Description NRS 493 Professional Capstone Practicum GCU NRS 493 Full Course Discussions GCU NRS 493 Topic 1 DQ 1 Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your capstone project ( help with nursing paper writing from experts with MSN & DNP degrees) change proposal. Discuss […]
For Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product. 1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning process S.W.O.T Market Segmenting Target Marketing Product Positioning Offerings: […]
Nursing Title: Leadership Journal: Professional-Level Leadership Number of sources: 3 Paper instructions: The Assignment: Develop at least 5 questions you would like to ask of your practicum mentor as it relates to professional-level development. During your scheduled meeting, ask your practicum mentor these questions and take notes. After your discussion with your practicum mentor, review […]
Nursing Title: Assignment: Professional Level Leadership Number of sources: 5 Paper instructions: For this Assignment, you will focus on your leadership competency development and consider your involvement with professional public health organizations for continued development. To prepare: Review this week’s Resources. Review the ANA Scope & Standards of Practice, Professional Practice Assessment and identify specific […]
1. Which disability model do you think has the most merit and why? 2. Chapt. 20: Before using religious coping strategies with a client, identify 2 types of positive coping mechanisms to help clients adjust to stress according to Pargament and what religious issues may be appropriate in an initial interview. 1. Which disability model […]
Describe early rap music from the 70s and 80s. Write a 1 page profile about one artist from the 70’s and one from the 80’s. Please include the following: bio, accomplishments/awards, discography, contributions to Hip Hop culture and lyrical analysis of their content. After posting, return to the board and read over the posts of […]