Psychology (Mental Status Examination/ MFT) 11804Case Assignment: For this assignment you will complete a clinical interview and a mental status exam and then write up a report of your findings. The goal here is to get practical experience, to approximate some of the process of what goes into a psychological report, and to display your […]
Were the concepts of fluid and/or crystallized intelligent Choose one of the following topic (sample nursing essay examples by the best nursing assignment writing service)s below and address the corresponding questions.Option #1 – Intelligence Test Base your answers on your observations about the intelligence test you took in the Unit Readings and Activities. Were the […]
Leadership in group counseling 11805A mental health clinic that is understaffed asks counselors to do group work as dealing with more clients in a given time. A counselor decides to put a notice on the bulletin board in the clinic and sends colleagues a memorandum that asks for possible candidates for the group. There are […]
You are employed at a local nonprofit agency and belong to an online community of people who work in the field of mental health. In a blog space, you are interested in sharing information on a particular disease that is related to the endocrine system function. Select and research a disease or disorder related to […]
In the modern era, there are few professions that do not to some extent rely on data. Stockbrokers rely on market data to advise clients on financial matters. Meteorologists rely on weather data to forecast weather conditions, while realtors rely on data to advise on the purchase and sale of property. In these and other […]
Think about your agency field placement or another social work setting. How is technology used in these settings for supervision and consultation? Describe the setting and the technology used. Based on your personal experience, what do you see as the positives and negatives of TAST? If you have not experienced TAST, make a suggestion for […]
Goal: Analyze and evaluate a middle range theory. You will select a middle range theory and identify application of nursing theories into clinical practice. Content Requirements: Components of the theory Discuss the major concepts of the theory Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health Structural aspects of the theory Discuss the framework of the theory. […]
Diagnosis and Evidence-Based Practices Question A How might having the label of a psychiatric diagnosis have a positive impact? What are the potential negative impacts? Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support the ideas within the post. 75-100 words Question B Define evidence-based practice. Provide examples of at least two evidence-based practices in […]
Journal: “Thoracic endovascular aortic repair” in Course Point. You are to read the assigned article (see attached) along with 2 other articles from the library database on the subject matter and provide a summation of at least 500 words. The 2 additional articles plus the assigned article must be included in your references. Use APA […]
Externalizing Disorders. Reflect on your first experience treating a toddler, school-aged child, or adolescent with a mood or anxiety disorder. Describe a clinical situation, in detail. (Who was it, when did it happen, what happened, what caused it to happen, where did it happen, how did it happen). Describing the clinical experience should take less […]