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Writing Like Kerouac

I’d hasten to guess that Jack Kerouac failed highschool English. I think about a jaded instructor, blind to his brilliance, specializing in the truth that one sentence ought to by no means take up a whole web page. However I really like his writing. The way in which his ideas stream easily, with out the […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022


Click clack. Click clack. Click clack. The train bumped its way across the tracks stretching off into the horizon and out of sight across the huge open field. Far in the distance, there were the sharp, unforgiving silhouettes of the mountains, but the closer landscape was flat and smooth; it was lonely, but friendly and […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

I Am Like a Burrito

Tortilla: God is the tortilla of my life. Call Him whatever you want – Savior, Shepherd, Father – I’ll just stick with tortilla. He’s the thin skin that protects me and holds me. If I screw up, I know that my tortilla will be there for me, no matter what. Rice: You can reach me […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

Moments of Impact

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.” I came to this realization by experiencing a moment of impact that reshaped my perspective on life forever. For most people, these moments are influenced by outside forces of awe-inspiring individuals, but […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

Paula’s Craft

Earlier than Paula sat down behind me, everybody was shifting uncomfortably of their seats in a futile try and keep away from sweating of their florid formalwear. Paula was a vibrant mom who was quickly in a position to change the environment of your entire commencement. Paula’s father, who should have been near ninety years […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

A Sea of Discovery

I used to think that I was one of the rarest people on the earth because I had been to see the ocean. And not just that, I had swam in the ocean. As I grew older I realized that it was not so uncommon, so I stashed the memory to the back of my […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022


The brisk, frigid wind burnt my face as I stood a number of yards away from the yard fence. I waited for the go from my cousin; a torn up black and magenta foam soccer was hurled my method. I jumped and lunged for it, solely to really feel a gentle thud on my abdomen […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

Phones Down Heads Up

Different viewpoints may arise when it in to technology today’s society. One may think it is convenient, while others my say it’s distracting. Cellphones are suitable for paying bills or making emergency calls in a severe situation. However, I believe that cellphones are more of a distraction rather than a useful source, because they make […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

A Risk Well Worth the Reward

From a young age I’ve developed an ability to evaluate, analyze, and asses the factor of risk when making a decision. I picked this up from my father, who influenced me through his logically thorough nature. Any question along the lines of ‘hey dad, why don’t we do this?’ has always been answered with a […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

Point of view

“Robert and the Canine” Point of view in a narrative is one thing I discover extraordinarily fascinating, just because of the plain truth that each single one of us have our personal method of seeing issues. Each one of us has a unique level of view. As an illustration, when it’s raining outdoors, my first […]

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Date: March 19th, 2022

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