assignment writing help

The Disastrous BP blowout in Mexico

The Disastrous BP blowout in Mexico. The blowout of BP’s Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico took place on April 20, 2010. It took place in the deep waters of the Gulf. This was the largest accidental oil spill ever reported. In fact, the spill was greater than both the Ixtoc blowout off the […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Who was Immanuel Kant?

Who was Immanuel Kant? How did his writing influence international politics? Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was a highly influential German philosopher whose works focused primarily on the workings of the mind in terms of reason, aesthetics, and the nature of reality. Kant, for example, questioned how we know things are real (i.e., where does knowledge come […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Assignment 4.1: Organization Structure Presentation

Organization Structure Presentation 8 slides, include speaker’s notes, at least 5 journal articles as references, 2017-2022, APA. Ensure the journal articles have all the sections, i.e Author or authors, Year of publication of the article (in round brackets), Article title, Journal title (in italics), Volume of journal (in italics), Issue number of journal in round […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Continuing Care Plan

Clinical Nursing Care Plan (please use 1 sheet per diagnosis) Student Name: Nursing Assessment: (Pertinent assessment data to determine a Nursing Diagnosis) Nursing Diagnosis: (Use assessment data to establish a priority nursing diagnosis) Goal: (Broad statement of what the care plan should accomplish) Expected Outcome: (Use SMART format: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Provides the […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Urban planning

Urban planning is a discipline which attempts to order both life and infrastructure in urban settings. However, it is not urban planning that makes a city. Rather, it is the interaction between the infrastructure and the inhabitants. The infrastructure is operationally defined in this essay to include the buildings, sidewalks, street lights, roads, and railroads […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Nursing Theory

Overview of nursing theories • A theory is a collection of related concepts that propose actions to guide practice. • Theory is defined as “a coherent set of general propositions used as explanation principles.” • A nursing theory is a collection of concepts, definitions, relationships, assumptions, or propositions derived from nursing models or other disciplines […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Pollutants at work places.

Pollutants at work places. A person may be exposed to benzene in an industry for example in a Petroleum Company. This is because benzene occurs naturally in crude oil. Also chemical companies involved in the production of toluene, xylene and other aromatic can expose one to benzene. There are numerous health effects related to exposure […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

John Esposito, Darrell Fasching, and Todd Lewis

Admission/Application Essay Subject: History Topic: John Esposito, Darrell Fasching, and Todd Lewis. World Religions Today, 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. You can find the information about the text by clicking on this link. You can also use the 4th edition if you can find it-please use Comparing and Contrasting Passover and Easter […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

How did a diversity of views transform American society?

Research In this course, you’ve been exploring two overarching questions: How did a diversity of views transform American society? and How have the literary movements of the last two centuries affected us? Choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write a clearly developed and well-formed research paper on your chosen […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

Week 4 discussion response 2 – ethics

This week we conclude our consideration of some of the ethical issues and situations with respect to the employer/employee relationship. As we noted last week in examining some ethical issues in the hiring process and the question of compensation as often reflected in appraisal systems, there is likely no greater determinant of the success of […]

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Date: October 24th, 2022

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