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United states History to 1877

United states History to 1877
Chapter 1
1. The Requerimiento was a document read by the Spanish to the indigenous natives for what purpose?

a. To emphasize the control the Spanish exerted over the natives
b. To emphasize the equality of the natives and the Spanish
c. To emphasize the need of natives to move to Europe and work in cities
d. To emphasize the importance of native religious practices under the Spanish
2. Who was the first explorer to sail around the globe?

a. Henry Hudson
b. Ferdinand Magellan
c. Vasco de Gama
d. Hernando Cortes
3. Pope Alexander VI negotiated a land settlement between Spain and Portugal known as the Treaty of ____________.

a. Paris
b. Guadalupe-Hidalgo
c. Tordesillas
d. Compensation
4. In 1492, Columbus landed in the Bahamas, which he named San ___________.

a. Francisco
b. Felipe
c. Miguel
d. Salvador
5. Which of the following mistakes did Columbus make?

a. He thought that the earth was larger than it actually is
b. He thought that the earth was smaller than it actually is
c. He thought that the earth was flat
d. He thought that the earth was triangular
6. What monarch financed Columbus’s voyages to the New World?

a. Queen Elizabeth
b. Queen Isabella
c. King Henry VIII
d. King Midas
7. During his later career as a sea captain and mapmaker, Columbus worked primarily for __________.

a. England
b. France
c. Spain
d. Portugal
8. Columbus was intrigued with the idea of reaching Asia by sailing ________.

a. east
b. west
c. north
d. south
9. Columbus has been historically criticized as acting in a manner similar to which of the following world leaders?

a. Martin Luther King, Jr.
b. Bill Clinton
c. Bishop Desmond Tutu
d. Joseph Stalin
10. Historians estimate that the population of Hispaniola at the time of contact with the Spanish was as high as ____ million.

a. 20
b. 14
c. 8
d. 6
11. Historians estimate that the population of Hispaniola by 1555 amounted to __________.

a. 10 thousand
b. 5 thousand
c. 1 thousand
d. zero
12. Most Native Americans perished in the Caribbean as a result of European _________.

a. diseases
b. violence
c. foods
d. clothing
13. By 1525, what had the Spanish accomplished with all Native Americans in the Caribbean?

a. Enslavement
b. Political equality with the Spanish
c. Increased standard of living
d. Religious indoctrination
14. What was the principal agency used by Spain to transplant the culture of the Old World to the New World?

a. The military
b. Universities
c. The Catholic Church
d. Labor unions
15. Which god did Cortes attempt to impersonate when he met the Aztec people?

a. Malinali
b. Quetzalcoatl
c. Tlaxcala
d. Christ
16. Who was the leader of the Aztec?

a. Hernando de Soto
b. Francisco Pizarro
c. Montezuma
d. Cahokia
17. In 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes invaded ________.

a. Peru
b. Florida
c. Mexico
d. Hawaii
18. Where did Spain found most of its missions in the modern United States?

a. The Southwest and Florida
b. The Northeast and Canada
c. The Pacific Northwest and Hawaii
d. The Central Plains and Rocky Mountain region
19. How did the Spanish finally subdue the Aztecs at Tenochtitlan?

a. They burned down the entire city.
b. They demolished the city’s infrastructure.
c. They retreated and starved out the city’s inhabitants.
d. They flooded the city with water.
20. What was the intention of Cortes in the final days of Aztec-controlled Tenochtitlan?

a. To kill all men but save the women and children.
b. To spare all men but kill the women and children.
c. To spare all of the inhabitants of the city if possible.
d. To kill all of the inhabitants of the city.
21. What did the Spanish do with the Aztec priests after the fall of Tenochtitlan?

a. They imprisoned them for long periods of time.
b. They fed them to Spanish dogs.
c. They taught them Catholicism.
d. They took them back to Europe for a tour.
22. What impact did the shipment of tons of indigenous gold and silver have on the Spanish economy by the late 1600s?

a. A decrease of unemployment
b. An increase of home ownership
c. A widespread inflation
d. No major impact
23. In 1512, the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon invaded ___________.

a. Mexico
b. California
c. Florida
d. Texas
24. Most Spanish immigrants to the New World were ________________.

a. unmarried women
b. unmarried men
c. married women
d. older children
25. In 1539, which of the following Spanish conquistadores led an expedition into the southeastern portion of the modern United States?

a. Hernando Cortes
b. Francisco Pizarro
c. Ponce de Leon
d. Hernando de Soto
Chapter 2
1. The first permanent English city in North America was founded in 1607 at ___________.

a. Alexandria
b. St. Augustine
c. Jamestown
d. Georgetown
2. To whom did King James I grant the right to establish a new colony in North America in 1606?

a. British merchants
b. French traders
c. Dutch privateers
d. African slaves
3. What was the name of the company that established the first permanent English colony in North America in 1607?

a. Maryland Company
b. Virginia Company
c. South Carolina Company
d. North Carolina Company
4. The first permanent English colony in North America was ___________.

a. Roanoke
b. North Carolina
c. South Carolina
d. Virginia
5. How did the company raise sufficient funds to outfit the expedition to North America?

a. It sold shares in the company.
b. It purchased African slaves and resold them.
c. It waged war against the Irish and took their land.
d. It received donations from the English poor and working class.
6. What were some of the initial challenges faced by the colonists at Jamestown?

a. Malaria
b. Lack of children
c. Lack of wood
d. Spanish attacks
7. How much colonization experience did the early settlers at Jamestown possess?

a. Years
b. Months
c. Week
d. None
8. What major fear did the colonists at Jamestown exhibit when they arrived?

a. Native American attack
b. Fear of too many women
c. Fear of African slaves
d. Fear of making too much money
9. Why did the colonists at Jamestown decide to journey to North America?

a. To kill Native Americans
b. To grow tobacco
c. Adventure
d. To escape the draft
10. Who were the majority of colonists at Jamestown?

a. Soldiers and artisans
b. Gentlemen and criminals
c. Royalty and soldiers
d. Peasants and serfs
11. What colony was founded by proprietors but later became a royal colony?

a. Virginia
b. California
c. New Jersey
d. New Mexico
12. The English captured New York from the __________.

a. French
b. Spanish
c. Dutch
d. Portuguese
13. The Cherokees inhabited ___________.

a. California
b. the Carolinas
c. Oregon
d. Arizona
14. What expression is the artist attempting to depict in the image of Choctaws in section 2.1i?

a. Violence and aggression
b. A peaceful family life
c. Fear and anxiety
d. Disdain for European the lifestyle
15. Which of the following Native groups did Hernan Cortez conquer?

a. The Maya
b. The Sioux
c. The Pueblo
d. The Aztec
16. The Hurons inhabited an area of the ___________.

a. Great Lakes
b. Great Plains
c. Rocky Mountains
d. Sierra Nevada Mountains
17. The Iroquois inhabited the modern state of ____________.

a. New Jersey
b. New Mexico
c. New York
d. Delaware
18. What part of the North American British colonies received the bulk of new Africans?

a. The Northern Colonies
b. The Southern Colonies
c. The Far West
d. The Bahamas
19. At what rate did the population of Africans grow in Virginia during the 1600s?

a. Slowly
b. Rapidly
c. There was no growth.
d. It reduced
20. How many African Americans lived in what would become the United States in 1776?

a. 4 million
b. 2 million
c. 1 million
d. 400000
21. The first blacks to arrive in 1619 were ___________.

a. free
b. slaves
c. of unknown status
d. servants
22. By 1680, what was the percentage of blacks in Virginia?

a. 40 percent
b. 20 percent
c. 12 percent
d. 4 percent
23. Where did the first Africans arrive when they came to North America in 1619?

a. Maryland
b. North Carolina
c. South Carolina
d. Virginia
24. What percentage did blacks comprise in British North America by 1776?

a. 80 percent
b. 60 percent
c. 40 percent
d. 20 percent
25. What was the number one destination for African slaves in the Americas?

a. Virginia
b. Florida
c. Mexico
d. Brazil

Chapter 3
1. Where did most Germans migrate in the British North American colonies?

a. Virginia
b. Maryland
c. Vermont
d. Pennsylvania
2. What region received the LEAST amount of German immigrants during the 1700s?

a. New England
b. The Southern Colonies
c. The Far West
d. The Middle Colonies
3. What colonial system absorbed half of the major wave of German immigration to the New World during the 1700s?

a. Dutch
b. English
c. French
d. Spanish
4. Where did Scotch-Irish immigrants live prior to journeying to America?

a. Ireland
b. Iceland
c. Australia
d. California
5. Based on the map in the section on early settlements in the Middle Colonies, where did most Jewish people live?

a. Philadelphia and New York
b. Savannah and Charleston
c. New Haven and Salem
d. Rhode Island and Wilmington
6. Based on the map in the section of the text on minorities in the colonies, where did the Dutch live?

a. Pennsylvania
b. New York
c. North Carolina
d. South Carolina
7. Based on the map in the section on minorities in the colonies, where did the Scotch-Irish live?

a. New Jersey
b. Delaware
c. Pennsylvania
d. New York
8. Who was America’s most prominent representative of Enlightenment thinking?

a. James Otis
b. John Adams
c. George Washington
d. Benjamin Franklin
9. What group dominated the New Jersey region of the American colonies, according to the map on minorities?

a. British
b. French
c. Dutch
d. Portuguese
10. Scottish Highlanders brought special methods of breeding high-grade ________.

a. goats
b. cattle
c. chickens
d. sheep
11. Moravians are known for bringing which of the following cultural practices to America?

a. Soccer
b. Gambling
c. Music
d. Horseracing
12. What was the primary task of Native women in the missions?

a. Hunting and fighting
b. Trading and sailing
c. Political diplomacy
d. Caring for household and children

13. Native Americans played a key role in the wars between what two countries during the 1700s?

a. Germany and Belgium
b. Netherlands and Portugal
c. France and England
d. Spain and Russia
14. What nation won the Great War for Empire?

a. England
b. France
c. Russia
d. Netherlands
15. What did France lose in the Great War for Empire?

a. Tunisia
b. Algeria
c. Morocco
d. North American Colonies
16. When did the Great War for Empire take place?

a. 1754-1763
b. 1773-1783
c. 1800-1810
d. 1820-1827
17. What event in Europe transformed the role of the church during the 1500s?

a. World War II
b. World War I
c. The Protestant Reformation
d. The Enlightenment
18. The “Half-Way” Covenant applied to which group of people?

a. Catholics
b. Jews
c. Puritans
d. Muslims
19. What American college declined according to its founders during the late 1600s?

a. Yale
b. UC Berkeley
c. Stanford
d. Harvard
20. The school acts required Puritan towns to build _________.

a. plantations
b. schools
c. hospitals
d. prisons
21. In 1691, a new colonial charter in Massachusetts Bay made property ownership for men the basis for ___________.

a. suffrage
b. indentured servitude
c. slavery
d. travel abroad
22. Well into nineteenth century, the Congregational Church was a powerful influence in ______________.

a. the British Caribbean
b. the Southern Colonies
c. New England
d. Spanish California
23. In the Age of Faith, the Anglican Church was first transplanted to ___________.

a. Maryland
b. Virginia
c. Florida
d. Texas
24. Who published new scientific theories on the laws of motion and gravitation during the 1600s?

a. Sir Isaac Newton
b. Albert Einstein
c. Francis Bacon
d. William Penn
25. The father of scientific reasoning is ___________.

a. Dr. Spock
b. Francis Bacon
c. Sir Isaac Newton
d. Albert Einstein

Chapter 4

1. Which government body originally supervised the Colonies?

a. The House of Lords
b. The King’s Privy Council
c. The House of Commons
d. The British Navy
2. What was the outcome of the Revolution of 1688 in England?

a. Oliver Cromwell was deposed.
b. King Henry VIII was deposed.
c. James II was deposed.
d. Queen Elizabeth was deposed.
3. Who composed the council in colonial legislatures?

a. Laborers elected by the Assembly
b. Yeoman by right of birth
c. Rich men appointed by the crown
d. Native Americans
4. What revolution did England experience in 1688?

a. The Industrial Revolution
b. The Glorious Revolution
c. The Environmental Revolution
d. The American Revolution
5. What colonial position was in charge of executing colonial laws and controlling the militia?

a. The town constable
b. The country sheriff
c. The governor
d. The mayor
6. Who did the Crown place in charge of the Dominion?

a. Edmond Andros
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. William Penn
d. William Pitt
7. What colony was eventually brought into the Dominion?

a. Vermont
b. New Jersey
c. New York
d. Pennsylvania
8. The super-colony created by the Dominion included _____________.

a. North Carolina
b. South Carolina
c. Rhode Island
d. Georgia
9. What colonial charter was annulled in 1684?

a. New Hampshire
b. New York
c. Massachusetts Bay
d. Pennsylvania
10. The image of the seal of the Dominion of New England reveals that what central figure was paid homage to by Indians and colonials?

a. The Native American
b. The English King
c. The devil
d. The soldier
11. In 1686, the Lords of Trade established the Dominion of New ________.

a. York
b. Jersey
c. Mexico
d. England
12. What government body triumphantly emerged from the Revolution of 1688?

a. The Crown
b. The labor movement
c. Parliament
d. Slaves
13. What powers did colonial assemblies possess?

a. Initiating war
b. Initiating legislation
c. Taxing the Crown
d. Leaving the British Empire
14. Who composed the Colonial Assembly?

a. Laborers
b. African slaves
c. Propertied freemen
d. Wealthy landlords
15. Usually, who appointed the governor to a colony?

a. The Assembly
b. The Council
c. Parliament
d. The Crown
16. What body served as advisors to the governor?

a. The Council
b. The Assembly
c. The Crown
d. The Militia
17. Which of the following colonies was a proprietary colony?

a. Georgia
b. Virginia
c. Pennsylvania
d. Florida
18. What colony elected its governor?

a. New York
b. Rhode Island
c. New Hampshire
d. New Jersey
19. Property requirements for office holding were higher than the requirements for __________.

a. suffrage
b. owning land
c. marriage
d. divorce
20. Local government in the U.S. today descends directly from which era?

a. The Colonial period
b. The Native American era
c. The Early National period
d. The World War II era
21. Among the more important officials in the county were __________.

a. doctors
b. sheriffs
c. lawyers
d. firefighters
22. Local government served as a major link between the colonial government and the _____________.

a. African slaves
b. indentured servants
c. British people
d. French prisoners
23. What was the primary duty of the sheriff?

a. To travel to England
b. To arrest African slaves
c. To collect food for the poor
d. To collect taxes
24. What government position in England did NOT transplant itself in America?

a. King
b. Queen
c. Lord Lieutenant
d. Lord of the British Navy

25. What crop was the principle staple of Virginia?

a. Rice
b. Indigo
c. Tobacco
d. Corn

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