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Posted: September 12th, 2022

Proposal for Big Data Online Bookstore Management System


For this task, you will write a proposal in response to the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP)” from the Seamus Company. The company’s background information is included in the attached “Seamus Company Context.” The attached “RFP Questions from Vendors” will help to inform your proposal.

Your proposal should demonstrate your research and your technology solution to the problem and show the organization you can meet its needs. Consider what the organization wants (e.g., low cost, high quality, efficiency) and how your proposed technology solution will meet the organization’s needs. The body of your proposal should clearly and specifically outline the solution and how it will work.

Note: Every effort was made to ensure the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP)” is as authentic as possible. You are responsible only for the requirements in the task below.

Create a proposal for the Seamus Company by doing the following:
A. Create a title page that includes each of the following elements:
• project name that summarizes the nature of the solution
• name of the proposer (individual or company)
• signature block with a space for your signature and the date
B. Create a table of contents.
C. Create an abstract that includes each of the following:
• summary of the problem
• recommendation of the solution
• description of how the proposed solution benefits the customer
• objectives of the project
• funding requirements
• your expertise relevant to the solution you propose
Note: Expertise described here could be real or hypothetical to fit the scenario.

D. Create the body of your proposal by doing the following:
1. Explain your proposed solution as it relates to the requirements in the attached “Request for Proposals (RFP).”
2. Summarize three published works or case studies that inform the implementation of the proposed solution.
3. Describe how the goals, supporting objectives, and deliverables of the proposed project will be accomplished.
4. Provide a projected timeline with completion dates of the deliverables for your project.
5. Provide a list of resources and their associated costs needed to implement the proposal.
6. Explain how you will use an Assessment framework to measure the success and effectiveness of the project once it is completed.

E. Justify how the technology solution meets the business needs of the Seamus Company.

F. Create a letter of transmittal or cover letter that includes the following:
• an introduction
• a body that expands on the reasons for the proposal
• a conclusion

Note: Any supplemental material that would help the company or organization understand the details of the solution should be placed in an additional section titled “Appendix.”

G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
Proposal for Big Data Online Bookstore Management System
Proposer (Name)

Submitting Bidder Name: ____________________________

Address: ____________________________


Phone Number: ____________________________

Fax Number: ____________________________

Respondent Name (please print): ________________________

Respondent Signature (please sign): ________________________ Date_________________

Abstract 3
Problem Summary 3
Recommendation of Solution 3
Benefits of Online Booking System to Customers 4
Objectives of the Project Proposal 4
Funding Requirements 5
Expertise on the Proposed Project 5
The Project Proposal 5
Project Proposal Solution 5
Literature Review 7
Implementation of goals, objectives, and deliverables 8
Timeline 9
Resources 9
Assessment framework 10
Justification 10
Cover Letter 11
References 13

Problem Summary
Seamus Company is facing a challenge in how the products can reach the customers. The Company has been selling the books through magazines and technical conferences. The selling through such media is expensive, time-consuming, and less efficient. The channel of sales cannot reach a large number of customers. The Company may not be realizing a good amount of profit following the use of such mechanisms. The Company is also still using methods of storage such as DVDs in distributing and storing of their products. Such methods are unreliable and are prone to damage or loss. Therefore, the Company has a challenge on how the products reach the customers. Also, the Company is facing a challenge on where to store the products.
Recommendation of Solution
The growth of the internet is transforming several businesses, and Seamus should not be an exception (Tao, Wang & Lu, 2011). The use of the internet has changed the way business undertake their functions and future growth. With the development of the internet, the customers can now cost-effectively access the products without going out, and they have an opportunity of making a variety of choices. Through the online booking system will enable the customers to find the products that they need and quickly get the products whenever they place their orders. The system is looking forward to saving a lot of energy and time for both the Company and the customers as well as reduces the risks of inventory. The Company will produce the products according to the needs of the customers, which is also known as the on-demand production and procurement. The methods help in the reduction of unnecessary wastage that might occur due to surplus production.
The online booking system will enable the business to sell directly to the more quickly and efficiently. The online booking system will eliminate the costs incurred through the selling of magazines or technical conferences. The customers will be given an opportunity of accessing the storage database and select the products according to the requirements. The customers will then make payment through online method and download the books from wherever they are.
E-commerce is a new type of business transaction that enables the buyers and sellers to efficiently interact in a simple, fast, low-cost, and through the electronic method. Therefore, the request for the proposal outlines the design of the online bookstore system using web-based technologies. The online booking system is an effective project for the Seamus Company because it will help in strengthening the current functions.
Benefits of Online Booking System to Customers
The system will enable customers to buy several books whenever they need them. The customers will experience the advantage of access to a large number of books without leaving their homes or wherever they are. The online bookstore system will also save the customer the costs and movements while attending technical training or purchasing of magazines to find what they require. The customers will also have the opportunity of placing orders for the books to be made according to their requirements. The process is more effective and convenient for customers.
Objectives of the Project Proposal
To design a database for online bookstore system
To integrate the payment methods to enable customers to perform transactions from where they are located
To integrate the user-interface design
Funding Requirements
The funding of the project shall be an agreement that will be established between the vendor and the Company. The agreement will outline how the client and the Company will facilitate the funding of the project. The other sources of funds include stakeholders, loans from banks, grants, and the savings of the Company.
Expertise on the Proposed Project
The team of experts will be involved in the design of the project. The team constitutes IT, experts, computer science experts, the sales and marketing experts, and technologists. The project manager who has a wide range of experience in a similar previous project and advanced qualifications in the field of Information Technology will be actively involved in the project. The experts involved in the project have advanced skills in database design, web design, and programming skills. The other individuals will include the staff of Seamus Company, the top management, customers, and stakeholders.
The Project Proposal
Project Proposal Solution
The proposed projects correspond to the description and the objectives of the Company. The project is aimed at providing the best solution on how the books for instruction of grammar will reach the customers. The proposed project corresponds to the best practices of the Company, and it is also related to emerging technologies. A large number of users prefer online shopping methods as opposed to the use of magazines or technical conferences. The project is in line with the emerging technologies where most educational canters are advocating of e-learning or online systems to deliver the contents to the learners.
The project proposal forms a strong milestone for the Company. SC is projecting to expand through an increase in the volume of production and reaching a large number of customers. The proposed project is aimed at creating a database using the big data technologies which can house large volumes of cartoon character based containing the grammar lessons for both the middle and high school students (Chang, Lee & Wang, 2016). The gaming process requires a large database which is integrated the project proposals. The learning websites of showcasing the cartoon-style animations will be incorporated in the system rather than having several websites. The users will have the opportunity of interacting with the games, selecting from a wide range of products, and perform demonstrations before purchasing the project.
The proposal will add value to the business according to the requirements of the request for proposal. Once the project is implemented, it will boost the sales of the Company through the reduction of unnecessary expenses, as shown by the current methods. The digital platform has been a goal for several companies and especially for the companies to remain competitive in the current market. The national network for the suppliers of the materials cannot be effective as compared to the online bookstore system of the Company. The system will be operated by the Company as opposed to the current methods of operation which uses the intermediaries. Currently, SC is using a large number of resources in the distribution channels. The projected number will increase through the new system from the current 45000 to close to hundreds of thousands.
Literature Review
Several studies have been used in describing the effectiveness of electronic commerce for supporting the interactions between the individuals who are involved in the field of commercial transactions as well as the management of data. The studies have been based on the importance of e-commerce in Helping customers in increasing their usability. The customers/users of the products are able to know where the products are saved, access to different products, easy categorization of the products, among other capabilities.
Sakharkar, Doifode & Karnuke (2017) recognized the importance of storing the records electronically and transformation from the manual method. The software systems can easily facilitate access to the records while maintaining them as well as facilitating the transactions according to the requirements of the users. The proposed system was designed to store the information concerning the books and provide the information within the shortest time possible. The researchers acknowledged the importance of such projects, especially in providing data to the users, a reduction in duplication of data, among other critical functions.
The proposed book management system was accomplished by the creation of online book shopping and selling to facilitate the users in buying the books without the complexities. According to Sakharkar, Doifode & Karnuke (2017), the online book shopping system was designed to perform functions such as registration, search the book, and purchase the book, payment, and feedback capabilities. The registration section contained the specific points where the customers can enter the data, and then data is stored in a database. The search for books entails sections where the users have the capability of performing a simple search of books. The purchase of the book constituted sections where the users can purchase several books from the website without any complexities. The proposed website also contained the sections where the users can make the payments after ordering the books. The online payment process allows customers to use their credit cards. Finally, the feedback process was integrated into the system to determine if the customers are satisfied with the products. The booking system proposed by Sakharkar, Doifode & Karnuke (2017) is a typical process that can be used in the design of the other databases. The concepts form a strong background in designing the proposed database.
Vinodhini & Manju (2016) proposed an online system through the use of big data. The proposed online system utilizes the map-reduce framework. The system allows the storage of data and distribution on different web servers using a web access protocol called the SOAP. The system provided the connection to the web servers for use as web applications. The algorithm was integrated into the classification of files in the distributed and parallel processing manner. The dataset of the proposed program is stored in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). The architecture of the online system was connected using the basic elements such as information retrieval, file categorization, file storage, transaction, and payment as well as the delivery of the products. The concept of big data is important in the design process for use in the storage of a large amount of data, such as books and animations or cartoons.
The other study to support the application of big data on online storage systems was carried out by Li, Guo & Guo (2012). The proposed system was implemented using functions such as access interface, metadata management, object operation management, data storage spaces, the controllers, among others. The system was designed to allow the efficient management of data by the integration of the concept of big data.
Implementation of goals, objectives, and deliverables
The goals, objectives, and deliverables will be accomplished by a designed procedure outlined by the project team. The goals and objectives will be divided into other small subjections and implemented with the specified guidelines as per the leader of the project team. All the goals, deliverables and objectives assessed to ensure that they meet the requirements of SC. The process will be facilitated by a team of experts and good leadership. Any changes in the project shall be communicated in time to ensure that there will be no delay in the project.
The project will be implemented within three months
Table 1: Timeline of the Project
Task No. Task Date
1 Project Introduction/Meetings 1/4/2020 to 10/4/2020
2 Requirement Analysis 11/4/2020 to 30/4/2020
3 The System Design 1/5/2020 to 31/5/2020
4 Training of Staff 1/6/2020 to 15/6/2020
5 Project Closure 16/6/2020 to 30/6/2020

1. Hardware and Software Components. The hardware and software components will be used to house the data and perform operations and the delivery of content to the users. The cost of hardware and software is estimated at $ 125, 000
2. Human Resources. The project will be implemented by a team of 10 experts, and therefore, the total cost will be $100,000
3. Training Costs. The cost of the training of the staff for 15 days will be $95,000.
4. The security and the backup systems will be installed at the cost of $50,000
5. Web servers and the network systems are estimated at $45000
Therefore the total cost of the project will be $415,000

Assessment framework
The Assessment framework for measuring the success of the project will be by the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (Alsulamy, Wamuziri & Taylor, 2012). The KPIs will be used to assess whether the project met its goals and objectives after the completion process. KPIs will be used to assess the performance activities which form the critical success factors for the achievement of the goals of the organisation. The Assessment process will be done by the measurement of the performance of the system and if the project has added value to the business.
The balanced scorecard (BSC) will be utilized in measuring the performance of the SC after the integration of technology (Alsulamy, Wamuziri & Taylor, 2012). The measurement will be evaluated in terms of financial, customers, business process, and innovation. The financial approach will be evaluated if the Company can manage as well as eliminate unnecessary expenses as a result of the integration of technology. The number of customers is expected to rise while the project is also expected to enhance the efficiency of operations.
The proposed project meets the needs of SC. The implementation of the project will enable the Company to reach the customers and deliver the books at the customer locations. The project will also contribute significantly to housing big data for the Company that allows quick decision making and efficiency in operation. The integration of big data in the Company will contribute in facilitating the storage of critical data such as cartoons and animations. The business will also enhance the operations by taking advantage of real-time functions and processes. The proposed project will also enable the business to reach a large number of customers, thereby expanding the business, which eventually results in high profits.

Cover Letter
Letter of Transmittal
Pevac Company
IT Solutions
4545, Fourth Street

Seamus Company
Supply Chain Department
650 N South Street

Dellberg, WI 99999

Ph: 800-555-0199

Fax: 800-555-0199

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to show interest in implementing the project proposal in your Company. The Company is called Pevac, and it is a well-established company in the field of IT solutions. The Company has previously designed and implemented several projects for several companies. We are willing to provide you with some of our previous works. We have a qualified team with vast experiences in several fields and all the stages of project implementation.
The reason for presenting this proposal is to enable your Company to advance in the field of IT and become competitive in the current world of technological change. The project will transform all the operations and enable the Company to realizes its goals and objectives as defined in the mission and vision statement. The project will help the Company in the reduction of costs and expenses and maximizing on output for maximum profit generation. The big data platform will enable the business to house large amounts of data and deliver real-time information/data.
In conclusion, I am looking forward to your response, and if you have any questions or clarification, you are free to visit our offices as per the address above. We are ready to establish a long working relationship by finding solutions that can transform businesses. Thank you


Sakharkar, S., Doifode, S., & Karnuke, S. (2017). Research on “Book Shop Management System.” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(3), 490–492. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2009.191767
Vinodhini, M., & Manju, A. (2016). An Efficient Online Shopping System Using Map Reduce Framework in Big data. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 5(5), 1520–1524. doi: 10.1109/bigdata.2015.7363915
Li, Y., Guo, L., & Guo, Y. (2012, April). An efficient and performance-aware big data storage system. In International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science assignment help (pp. 102-116). Springer, Cham.
Tao, T., Wang, N., & Lu, H. (2011, December). Analysis and Design of Online Bookstore System. In International Conference on Information and Business Intelligence (pp. 747-752). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Chang, J. W., Lee, M. C., & Wang, T. I. (2016). Integrating a semantic-based retrieval agent into case-based reasoning systems: A case study of an online bookstore. Computers in Industry, 78, 29-42.
Alsulamy, S., Wamuziri, S., & Taylor, M. (2012, September). Assessment of key metrics for measurement of project performance. In 28th Annual ARCOM Conference (pp. 3-5).

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