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CAMS assignment


11.2.1 Explain your understanding of various security options integrated within the operating system.
This is security measure that is integrated within an operating system they help to keep data safe and clean from leach of the public. In additional the integrated security helps to protect the data base from being affected by the outside virus.
11.2.2 Demonstrate assigning different privileges to different users/groups
In assigning privileges to user you must be logged in from a standard dialog user administration. This can be from a workspace or other point so that you can be able to access various information you want from the logged site. The various properties are require for a user; user ID this is usually a short name for the account you are login in to usually used when you access CRX system. The other property is the principal name this is usually the full name of the account. This is also usually accompanied by the other property called the password. Passed is usually a requirement when you are accessing the CRX with the above account.
In assigning privileges to groups this usually links on the major main console of the CRX and the security men of the CRX. The following privileges are available in a group administration; jcr: read this retrieve a node and read out its possessions and their value.
. 11.2.3 Demonstrate your knowledge on various tools that allow back-end access to database and how to prevent
The various tools that allow back end data access include front-end auto-update enabling tool this permits you speedily add an out-updating to the front-ends that requires to operate in a workgroup file and the shortcut to open a database using the shortcut the following are the various way to prevent back end access to the data base; make sure and change around settings by the autoexec macro, make sure that you hide from view the database window, sidestep the bypass, break the data base in various segment. Keep away from compact on close futures this is because not all files are deleted some of the files are left without being deleted. The other mean of protection is through put out of sight object from users, objects like table and forms. In addition use the error management technique to guard your codes this is because when a user encounters an error he/she will automatically call for help. More over use a password setup to access to your data this will help to create privacy with you information and data as well.
11.2.7 Explain how to create users/groups and how to assign different authorities to them.
Login to the administration you want to create a group or a user, click on the sign up icon on the screen enter the various information needed by the cite you are opening a group usually the name of the user/group the principal name of the group or users account, set the password you will be using and the last option is signup by clicking the icon onscreen so as to been given the full rights of the administration you will be operating at from.
11.2.4 Provide a sample of a user roles/group security profile/framework prepared by you for an available application.
The users/groups roles in his/her account to regularly check on his account how it is operating, adding or removing members in his account. Making sure that maximum privacy is enhanced by regularly changing the password to keep higher levels of privacy.
11.2.5 Provide a report of your understanding format ending a DB administration course relevant to existing DB setup.
Database administration and setup have the following the responsibilities as studied from the course; it usually involves installation, improvement of database server and configuration. It also involves evaluating database features and the associated products to it. Usually also involved in set up and uphold sound back, recovery policies and measures. It is also responsible of taking concern of database design and execution. Also responsible for the data recoveries at all set up levels. In additional do the common procedural troubleshooting and give icons. It also setup and uphold credentials and standard. Also in reference to the study their various type of database administration. They are usually three that is the system database, development database and application database
11.2.6 What are the available DB Security set-up options within an existing DB server?
The installation security, the access right security to the database and the configuration
11.2.8 How backup planning is significant to DB server security setup?
Help to save some of the information that is very confidential and vital to an organization such that if they can be lost it can be a problem the group or the user.
11.2.9 What is the importance of auditing DB connections and transactions?
To clear all the errors that an administrator could be suspecting is taking place with the operating system usually most in the salary operating system.
11.2.10 what are the available tools that support DB security auditing?
The oracle SID tester, SQL password tester, SQL password auditor, SQL access rights
11.2.11 How to introduce a new database user?
This is enhanced through login to the database administrator and following the various steps. This is followed by integrating the new user to database so that he can be able to access the data base
11.2.12 what are the different modes of data locking? Explain.
There are two type of data locking these are mandatory or advisory locking. In advisory locking each thread acquires an advisory before accessing the data he/she want. These usually happens because of security because of the data may have some virus that can collapse a program and prevent it from running. This is usually through introduction of other character that the program does not support. The type of a lock is mandatory locks this usually happens when one tries to go through unauthorized access to a locked resource.
11.2.13 why should we enforce users to change password at regular interval?
This is to help them have high level of security of their operating system. In additional changing of the password helps to avoid people mastering your password and accessing their data. In additional regular changing of password makes it difficult from being traced or copied.
Database Management
11.3.11 what are the factors to be considered while setting up DB back up strategy?
The external factor back, the cache online backup, cold back up and the legacy concurrent back, the space of the disk to be used in backing up the data.
11.3.1 Demonstrate your familiarization with the capacity of installed system components.
Installing a browsing device where you plug in the device click on the icon run the program click install, agree the terms and condition for the program you are installing, allow to make changes in my computer, then click install after installation is done click finish the run the program.
11.3.2 List the steps required for a data transfer task.
Open the tab and click the control flow icon, enlarge the control flow items and carry a data flow task to the design surface of the control flow tab, in the control flow design surface, right click the newly added data flow task and click rename and change the name. Right click the data flow task.
11.3.3 Demonstrate your understanding of DB recovery features.
These features includes database recovery advisor this is helpful since it construct the data restoration procedure more responsive by serving the customer to generate more predictable and best recovery succession ration process more agile by helping the customers to create more predictable and optimal recovery sequence.”
11.3.4 Demonstrate how you would manage your data base size.
You can manage your database space by introducing another tool in the operating system this tool will help you see the space available and the space already used up. It will also group out data’s of different class together and you will be able to know which data is taking a lot of space. As we can see from the diagram below.
( sqlmag.com/database…/practical-approach-managing-dat.)
11.3.5 Show evidence of your Helping in investigating, diagnosing and resolving database problems.
Error alert in venture, outlook trouble detail, generate a service demand, package and upload diagnostic data, path the service demand and apply any repair, close the incident.

11.3.6 Prepare procedures to export/import specific database owners or schema table.
Step one take out the object description together with the table data from the database, step two put the data in a banally format export or in a disk.
11.3.7 What are various tools & techniques of measuring available database capacities?
Installing an internal system that is able to segment the database capacity so that always to know the remaining space.
11.3.8 What is the difference between Data transfer (import/export) and Data Backup/ recovery?
Data transfer is the migration from one space to another database data backup is the process of recovering data to another disk other than the main disk
11.3.9 What are the fundamental factors to be considered during the implementation of database replication?
The size and the capacity of the database
11.3.10 what are the different backup solutions available for the current DB setup?
Flexible and the scalable backup servers.
11.3.12 what is data archiving and explain archiving types?
This is the practice of moving data that is inactive to create separation in the storage and also to increase maintenance.
9.1.2 Identify different types of database security mechanisms.
Creating of a password that limits any individual from getting in the data base. Installing a security antivirus that detects any virus from crashing and interfering with the data.
9.1.10 what are the advantages of using stored procedures, views and triggers?
They are cheap to preserve and troubleshoot because they are modular
Stored practice enables an improved alteration for performance.
By means of a stored process is much easier from a GUI
Stored procedure can be a part of a break up layer which allow untying the concerns. This help in that database layer can be taken by split developer skillful, Help in minimizing network usage, Provide additional scalability toward an application. It can be used again thus decrease code.
9.1.5 Provide examples of Stored Procedures and Database Triggers.
BEFORE trigger, AFTER trigger UPDATE trigger DELETE trigger. Stored procedure are In Oracle it is PL/SQL and in Microsoft the following procedure is used Transact SQL (T/SQL).
9.1.1 List and define the different types of data integrity.
Domain integrity this is where the type of data determines which value is valid for an exacting column, usually mainly a set of suitable value of an exacting object.
Referential integrity this refers to the upkeep connection of data between rows in a multiple.
Entity integrity this is the integrity that helps to identify each and every type of a row and data uniquely.
9.1.3 Show your understanding of transaction roll back?
In a transaction a roll back is a procedure that bring back to a previous image object or subject or database. They usually help in integrity of the database this usually help in the restoration of data to a clean place even if the data was previously distorted. Roll back help to bring back to know data that was previously distorted or crashed and bring it to it’s know state before crashing how it was. Example is a cascading rollback this takes place in a database system when failure arises from a transaction this causes roll back to be performed to restore the information as it was previously.
9.1.4 Provide an example of a database security definition.
A password this restricts users from accessing your data. This helps to keep higher levels of privacy in the data it also helps to avoid data dissertations.
9.1.6 Identify different index structures.
Dense index is a file in the database that usually have a pointer key for every record in the file, where each of all the key is usually related with a exacting pointer to record.
Sparse index usually, a pair of keys in a database that have pointers for every block in the file record.
Reverse index this is an index in the data base that usually reverses the value before entering it in the index.
1. 9.1.7 What are the advantages of using views (virtual tables)?
It has security which is given to different user thus restricting them from accessing the data. This help to preserve the data and keep it save from distortion. This is enhanced by giving each user a small set of specifics data but not the full right to access all the data.
It is simple to use and understand as it combines many data tables to one table that making it easy to understand also it minimizes complicity if the data and the tables in a given database set this are known as Question Assignment simplicity
Views can provide a client a modified view of database arrangement, present the database as a put of virtual table that create sense for that consumer
Views provide consistence and does not change image of the arrangement of the database even if the underlying table sources are split, rearranged or the name are changed
9.1.8 What do you understand by cascading updates and cascading deletes in linked tables?
Cascading delete is where information is deleted by creating commands in a program like in a transactions roll back this usually incases when the information is not supported by the program. Cascading update is where information is automatically updated in system by use of command created with the system.
1. 9.1.9 What are the advantages of using ODBC (open database connectivity) to access databases?
It has been developed and it still has the roam of development that making easy to develop with the system. It has access to many programs that are being tested in it thus more chances to develop. It has a developed way of communication with different hardware thus making it more compact table to many devices. It is not a must one use driver. In additional to not using drivers and libraries ODBC use a straight wire code of behavior technology which results to an increased speed it its operations.
1. 9.1.11 what is the main purpose of database transaction log files and checkpoints?
Transaction log helps to recover and save data when a program shuts abnormal this is due to may be because of power or any other problem the transaction log saves the data immediately and then when the power resumes it detects the error and corrects them. This helps to save the data and any clashing of data or distortion.
9.1.12 what are the differences between OLTP and OLAP?
OLTP system deal with set data this are set of data that is used in progression of an exacting system in this system is often updated in conjunction with queried
OLAP system deal with past Data or Archival Data queries here are of analytical form
1. 9.1.13 what are the key components of a Data Dictionary?
The major components of a data dictionary are; documentation, middleware, see all, external links, and the platform-specific example
Database Design Concepts
2. 10.1.1 Show how you would overcome the limitations of database systems in handling many-to-many entity relationships.
This can be enhanced by creating passwords to different users that they require before getting into the data. In additional creating a master password that controls all other password.
1. 10.1.2 Demonstrate your understanding of Data Warehousing, Mining & Business Intelligence Concepts giving examples of specific Warehousing& BI Tools.
Data warehousing this is mass storage of business data in large at a place where it easily accessed place where it is reliable and convenient at any time needed.

39. Define Normalization Forms describing each one briefly
The process of normalization refers to the efficient organization of data in a database .this is usually done with the target of eliminating data that is redundant. It also helps to ensure that data dependencies make sensible outcomes. The normal forms include: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, 3.5NF and the 4NF.
The First normalization form (1NF) – this form facilitates the very basic rules to produce a database that is well organized
Second normalization form (2NF)-this form of normalization is used to remove duplicative data.
Third normalization form (3NF) – firstly, this form meets the basic requirements of the second form of normalization. It is goes further to remove columns that are independent of the primary key.
Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF or 3.5NF) – it meets the requirements of the third normal form and ensures that every determinant must be a candidate key.
Fourth normal form (4NF) – it meets the requirements of the third form and it has no multi-values dependencies.
40. Draw an E-R Diagram to represent a Common Business Scenario
An E-R diagram for purchase-order application

41. Show an example where you have used any CASE tool
CASE tools are soft wares that are used to automate activities in various lifecyles.I have used Life-cycled CASE tools to help me develop strategic planning and construction-level product of an E-R diagram. It helped me support the traditional diagrammatic model of the diagram
42. What are the Purposes, key Similarities and Differences of Management Dash Boards and Balanced Scorecards?
A dash board fulfills different roles in performance management. These include strategic, analytical and operational roles. An IT dash board monitors the system activity such as database monitoring, server monitoring and memory metrics. A balanced scorecard is used as a strategic tool, a management methodology and a measurement system. It can be used in different perspectives such as finance, customer, process and innovation perspectives.
Similarities-both are measurement systems that are built on integrated data and are used to help an organization view the business performance
Difference-scorecard is a business performance measurement used by senior management level to view business performance through indicators. On the other hand, dashboard is a business activity process monitoring used by operational managers to monitor the day-to day operations through visualization.
43. Show and Discuss a Database Schema
A database schema is a collection of meta-data that describe the relations in a database. It helps group objects as tables and views. With the assignment of user login permission to a single schema, the user can only access the objects that they are authorized to access.

44. Show and explain an ERD that you have developed

45. Logical Data Model objects are transformed into what Physical data model objects?
Logical data model objects are changed into physical data objects that are in clear correspondence with certain regulations. For example, a logical attribute-alternative key property transformed into a unique key constraint, an attribute-foreign key property transformed into foreign key constraint.
46. What are the advantages of using attribute name standardization across the systems?
Standardization is advantageous to both users and companies. Uniform market standardization increases profit incentives for companies.it eliminates trade barriers. With increased levels of standardization, the industry thrives competitively, the market size expands. Increased competition leads to the consumers earning more rewards. These advantages include;
To manufacturers-rationalization of different variety of products, decreases the volume of products in the store, improvement of management and design, speeding up management of orders, facilitates exportation and marketing of products and simplification of the purchasing management
To consumers-establishes quality and safety levels to the service and products, informs the characteristic of the products and eases the comparison between different orders.
To public service-simplification of the production of legal text, establishes quality, environmental and safety policies, economic development and facilitates the business.
47. What are the key differences between relational data modeling and dimensional data modeling (star schema)
Relational data modeling Dimensional data modeling
Aim Fata modeling of transactional systems Data modeling of decision support systems
Analysis subject Execution of business process-process flow of modeling Effects of business process-process effect modeling or informational modeling
Analysis focus Discovery of strong entities in the course of business process execution Discovery of associative entities that represent the effects of business process
Analysis details Definition of the strong entities attributes and the relationship that exists between them Definition of business measures-attributes of associative entities, definition of business dimensions

48. What types of tables are used in defining a star schema?
Fact tables- transaction fact tables, snapshot fact tables and accumulative snapshot tables.
Dimension tables- regular dimension, time dimension, parent-child dimension, degenerate dimension, junk dimension, role playing dimensions, employee dimension etc.
Conventional Development Tools
49. Show how to set a property for an object in a property window
The properties pane of the properties window is used to set the properties in the following way;
1. Type in a value
2. Select a value from a drop-down list
3. Click a Build button for property-specific options.

50. Explain how one can create, facilitate modification and how to drop tables in development environment
It starts with creation of a table dbo.EmployeeName
LastName JOHN (50) NOT NULL
FirstName JOHN (25) NOT NULL,
MiddleName JOHN (20) NULL,
Age INT CHECK (Age >= 16 AND Age <= 100),
To modify a table;
ALTER TABLE dbo.EmployeeName
To drop the table;
DROP TABLE dbo.EmployeeName;

51. Explain what is meant by views and their importance
Views are used to make definition of portions of windows that one wants to fill with some content. For example, views that display images, texts, shapes among others.
Views are helpful in that they can also be used to organize and help in management of other views.
Importance- they help in drawing content and facilitate handling of multitouch events. They can also be used to help in management of sub-views layout.

52. Describe the structure of a cursor programming language
The cursor programming language facilitates traversal over the records in a database such as retrieval, addition and removal of database records. There are explicit and implicit cursors programming languages. Implicit cursors have no visible reference point for a programmer to leverage, thus beyond the control of the programmer. Explicit cursors are a select statement defined by the programmer. This is within the declaration of code and assigned a name
53. Demonstrate and explain how to change a property of an object at run time
This can be done by using “Settoproperty”. For example; to change the text property of submit button to save at run time,
Syntax: Window (“Window Name”).page (“Page Name”). Webbutton (“submit”). Settoproperty (text, “submit”, “save”).
54. Demonstrate and explain how to create a menu and access keys (&short cut key) to a menu item
To specify the access key for a menu or menu item
Type < to the left of the letter you want as the access key
Assigning keyboard shortcut
1. In the Prompt column, select the appropriate menu title or menu item
2. Choose the button in the Options column to display the Prompt Options dialog box
3. In the Key label box, press a key combination to create a keyboard shortcut
4. In the key text box, add the text you want to appear besides the menu item.
55. Demonstrate and explain how to enable or disable a menu by using program code
By use of the Local Group Policy Editor
1. Open the all users, specific users or groups, or all users except administrators Local Group Policy Editor
2. In the left pane, click on user configuration, administrative templates, and start menu and taskbar
3. In the right pane, right click on Remove all programs list from the start menu and click on properties
4. To enable all programs-select (dot) Disable or Not Configured and click on OK
5. To disable all programs-select (dot) Enable and click on OK.
6. Close Local Group Policy Editor Window.
56. Explain what the variables types are and how to declare/initialize them
Variable types are fundamental data types implemented directly by the language that represents units that are supported by most systems. They include: character types, numerical integer types, floating-point types and Boolean type.
Declaration of variables-by declaring a variable of type int with the identifier a. the second method is declaring a variable of type float with the identifier mynumber
Initialization of variables- through c-like initialization and construct initialization-like initialization involves appending an equal sign followed by the value to which the variable is initialized. Construct initialization-involves enclosing the initial value between parentheses.
57. Explain and compare the two statements ‘if then else’ and ‘CASE’.
If-then else- this statement provides a secondary path of execution when an “if” clause evaluates to false.
CASE statement has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement.

58. Demonstrate how to create and save a simple form and how to connect to a database
1. On the data menu, click show data sources
2. In the data sources window, click add new data source to start the data source configuration wizard
3. Select database on the choose a data source type page, click next
4. On the choose your data connection, select new connection to open the Add/modify connection dialog box.
5. If your database requires a password, select the option to include sensitive data, and then click next
6click next on the save connection string to the application configuration file page
7. Expand the tables anode on the choose your database objects page
8. Select the customers table, and then click finish
59. Demonstrate how to manipulate a database using the programming tool
1. Importing java .sq./Package
2. Load and register JDBC driver
Establishing connection
4. Creating a statement
5. Execute SQL statement and retrieve result
6. Close connection.
60. Demonstrate how to write a conditional structure code for ‘if and else’
If (condition 1) {
Block of code to be executed if conditional 1 is true
} else if (condition 2) {
Block of code to be executed if the condition 1 is false and condition 2 is true
} else {
Block of code to be executed if the condition is false and condition 2 is false
61. Demonstrate how to write a conditional structure code for ‘While loop’
The while loop check for truthfulness before executing any of the code in the loop. If condition is initially false, the code inside the loop will never be executed.
While (condition)
/* code*/

62. Give examples of a floating point and integer number.
Floating point types numbers
Type Precision Number of bits
Float16 half
Float32 single
Float64 double

Julia> 1
Julia> 1234
63. How would you represent a single character constant and a string composed of several characters?
The string characters
“t “Name tAddressnn this prints as “Name” Address
A single character constant is a single alphabet or a single digit. Both the inverted comas should point to the left. Example:’ A’.

64. What are the increase/decrease operators? Give example on their usage
The increase operators are the (++) while the decrease operators are the (- -). The increase and the decrease operators increase or reduce by one the value stored in a variable. They are equivalent to +=1 and to – =1, respectively.
65. What is the result of a relational operation? Give example
They include: < > <= >= == ~=
Relational operators perform element-by-element comparison between two arrays. Ultimately, they produce in return a logical array that is of the same size.

66. Show how to write a simple programming statement
Assertion: assert ( ptr != NULL);
67. Show how to create an .exe file or a compiled file
1. First, run the application of the IExpress in the windows application.
2. Make specifications of creating a new executable.
3. Next, make specification of the type of executable package that you are planning to create
4. Ensure that you give the installer package a name to identify it.
5. Closely following is making a choice of confirmation prompt for the Exe file if it is necessary
6. Make specification of the license agreement that governs the use of the executable created.
7. Make a selection of the files that the created Exe file installs in the computer of the user.
8. Specify the executable filename
9. Create the executable
68. Demonstrate your ability to write a simple code
1. First, access a compiler.
2. Make a simple program. Ensure that you copy and paste it into a text or an editor of codes.
For example: a program for finding the product in multiplication problems
#include < iostream>
Int main ( )
Int sum=0, value;
Std: :cont<< “please enter numbers:’’ << std : : endl’
While (std: :cin>> value)
Std:: cont<< “sum is :” << std: :endl;
Return 0;
3. Ensure that you save it as a cpp file. Also ensure that it has a name that reflects the program.
4. Compile it. Users of window can use any C++ compiler, such as Micro Spft Visual C++,
5. Run the program.
69. List the different components of a layout editor
Alignment tool-aligns and distributes groups of components.
Grid and rulers-this aligns components on a grid with optional snap to grid
Guide lines- this provides vertical and horizontal snap-to guides at arbitrary locations
Bring to Front, Send to Back, and Bring Forward, Send backward- these ones control the front to back arrangement of components
70. Explain and describe stored procedures
A stored procedure is used to refer to a group of related SQL statements. These statements collectively make up a logical unit that carries out a specific task. These procedures facilitate encapsulation of a number of operations or queries that are to be executed on a database server. For example, they may be used to execute operations that are related with firing of employees, the hiring process, how they are promoted among other operations. All these can be coded as stored procedures that can be executed by an application code. Compiling and execution of stored procedures can be made possible by use of different parameters and results. For example, inputs, outputs or even input/output parameters..
71. Explain how to declare and initialize variables
A variable is used to refer to values that are contained in a JAVA program. Declaration of the variable is needed before it can be used. Data type is required inorder to declare a variable in Java. This is followed by the variable name. For example, int numberOfDays;. Here, the “numberOfDays’’ has been exposed under the process of declaration with the data type of int. The semi-colon at the end of the line informs us that the Java compiler that the process of decalring the variable is completed After the process of declaration of the variable, the numberOf Days can only evr be able to hold up a capacity of values that are in perfect match with the definition of the type of data..
Int numberOfDays;
NumberOf Days=7
Initializing variables- a variable has to be given an initial value before it is used. This is called initializing the variable. The Java compiler gives an error if one tries to use a variable without first giving it a vale. Initialization of a variable there is use of an assignment variable. This statement follows a similar pattern as an equation in math. For example to give a variable a value, the left side is the name of the variable, the right side is the value;
From above, numberOfDays has been put under the process of declaration with a data type of int and has been given an initial value of 7. Now, 10 can be added to the value of numberOfDays. This is because it has already been initialized:
Int numberOfDays;
NumberOfDays=7; numberOfDays-numberOfDays+10;
System.out.println (numberOfDays)
72. Explain the meaning of global ad local variables
Global variables- these are variable that can be accessed by any function that comprises the program. The implementation of these variables is associated by memory functions that have variable names. There cannot be recreation of global variables if the function is recalled.
Local variables- these are variables that whose existence are inside particular functions that comes up with them. They are not known to the key programs and any other functions that exist. They are implemented using a stack. Once the function is on completion, these variables cease to exist. They can be recreated each and every time a function is executed.
73. List different categories of constants
A constant is also called literals. It is not subject to any changes during the execution of programs. The four categories of constant in C are:
Integer constants such as 87, 0, and 43L
Floating-point constants such as 1.2. 0.00 And 67E+4
It also includes Character constants such as ‘A’, ‘0’ and L’n’
Enumeration constants such as enum boolean {NO, YES}, where NO and YES are the enumeration constants.
74. List the logical and relational operators
Relational operators- they include: <-less than
>-greater than
<= less than or equal to
>=greater than or equal
== Equal to
!-not equal to

<, >, <=, and >= these operators use only the real part of their operators for comparison.
== and ~= these operators test real and imaginary parts.
Logical operators
.NOT. Logical not
.AND. logical and
.OR.; logical or
.EQV. :logical equivalence
.NEQV.; logical not equivalence

75. How are global variables declared?
Global X Y Z defines X,Y and Z as global in scope. Each MATLAB function has its own local variables. These variables are separate from those of other functions and from those of the base workspace. If several functions, and especially in the based work space, all declare a particular name as global, they all share a single copy of that variable. Any assignment to that variable with regard to any function is available to all the functions declaring it global. If the global variable is not existence the first time one issues a global statement, then it is initialized to the empty matrix.
76. How would you handle line breaking?
Line breaking can be handled by ensuring that you use nonstandard nobr markup.
Level Method Example Notes
HTML markup nobr element
100 m Nonstandard, but works widely.
HTML markup nowrapattribute

100 m Only applicable to table cells. Severe limitations in support.
CSS style sheet white-space:nowrap
100 m Usually works when set on the innermost element.
Character level no-break space
100 m This works well in preventing breaks in inter-words.
Character level non-breaking hyphen
A‑1 Used to prevent breaks after hyphens, it is limited by font problems.
Character level word joiner
A-⁠1 It has wide applicability in principles, but its usefulness has limitations due to lack of support.
Character level zero-width no-break space
A-1 The lack of consistency on IE limits its usefulness.

77. How would you declare a string?
C does not have an s “string’’ datatype.Thus you have to use an array of chars.
78. What is a break point while debugging
A break point is a signal that tells the debugger to temporarily suspend the execution of your program at a certain point. Suspension of execution at a break point, the program is in break mode.


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