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Substance Abuse In Adolescence: Reasons And Effects Essay

Substance Abuse In Adolescence: Reasons And Effects.

Substance Abuse can also be called drug abuse. This term is often used to describe the misuse of substances that can lead to physical, emotional, and social problems. This can be defined as usage harmful substances. The use of these substances can lead to addiction, which is a chronic and relapsing disease. The individual either uses a significant amount of the substance or uses harmful methods to ingest the substance. For example, injecting or smoking substances can lead to serious health problems. These substances are usually heroin, cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes and other tobacco products. The use of these substances can lead to a range of negative consequences, including addiction, overdose, and death.

In today’s society many adolescences fall prey to substance abuse. This is often due to peer pressure, stress, and a lack of support from family and friends. A teenager who suffers with substance abuse would have frequent changes in behaviour such as failure to attend school, a decrease in their grades, unable to concentrate or focus on their studies and depression. These changes in behavior can be a sign that the teenager is struggling with addiction and needs help. It is harder to recognize drug abuse in teenagers than adults. This is because teenagers are often more secretive and may be more likely to hide their substance use from parents and other adults. Most teenagers are very secretive towards their parents as well as dishonest therefore, they require closer observations to tell if they are using drugs or not. Parents and caregivers should be aware of the signs of substance abuse and take action if they suspect that their teenager is using substances.

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to involvement in substance abuse due to the underdeveloped state of their brain, which can lead to the inability to make proper decisions on their own. This developmental stage is marked by experimentation and risk-taking behaviors. Understanding the causes of adolescent substance use is vital for successful prevention and intervention programs. There are many contributing factors as to why adolescents would partake in drugs or alcohol. These factors can be social, psychological, or environmental. Many teenagers use drugs simply because their friends are doing so. Some willingly use drugs or alcohol while others are pressured to do so and are seen as uncool if they refuse. The desire to fit in can overpower their judgment. Others do it to get a good feeling about themselves. When an individual uses drugs, it reacts with the neurochemistry of the brain to produce feelings of pleasure. This pleasure can create a cycle of dependency and addiction. The intensity of this pleasure differs by the type of drug and how it is used. Teenagers who suffer from depression or anxiety disorders use drugs in order to help them feel better. Self-medication is a common but dangerous coping mechanism. The drug would uplift their mood or help them become calm whenever they feel anxious or stressed. Stress plays a significant role in the continuation of drug use as well as having a relapse.

Adolescents who are enrolled in school sometimes fall prey to substance abuse. The academic environment can be both a stressor and a protective factor. We live in a very competitive society, so some students feel pressured to be successful. Some adolescents turn to certain drugs that are illegal or stimulants because they think those substances will help them perform better in exams. This misconception can lead to dangerous patterns of use. After using drugs for a period of time to study, they are often unable to continue their studies without drugs. At a certain age, an adolescent also feels the need to experiment, and they often believe drugs to be an exciting or daring experience. This thrill-seeking behavior can have serious consequences. A very common cause is genetic predisposition. A family who has a history of substance abuse or alcoholism increases the risk of influencing teenagers as they think it is okay to use drugs because they saw their older relatives doing so. Genetic factors can significantly impact susceptibility to addiction. Neglect or other childhood trauma can also cause a teenager to use harmful substances. If they experienced any type of abuse or were abandoned at a very young age, they turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with their emotional pain and grief.

These harmful substances have devastating effects on the teenager as well as their family. The ripple effect of substance abuse can disrupt family dynamics. The effects of substance abuse can either be long-term or short-term, depending on how often the individual uses the drug. Homes that were once calm can quickly become a strain on every individual in the house due to substance abuse. Family members often experience stress, anxiety, and helplessness. Parents who are aware of their child’s addiction become very concerned about their physical and mental health. When teens use drugs, they become very withdrawn from their family and friends, and they sometimes steal money from their parents to purchase drugs and alcohol. This behavior can lead to legal and financial issues. If they constantly use drugs, they become consumed by it, which would eventually lead to them losing interest in school, sports, and any other activities that they previously enjoyed. Teenagers who use drugs do not see the damage and hurt they are causing others. Their perception is often clouded by the effects of the substances. The whole family is affected. It hurts the family and interferes with the stability of the household. Relationships between parents and the individual also become strained as teens become rebellious and defiant. This strain can lead to long-term emotional scars. Parents can also become ill from stress and grief because they are constantly worrying for their child’s safety.

Substance abuse also affects the body and brain. The physiological impact can be severe and lasting. The effects of substances on the body also depend on how the drug is delivered. Drugs that are injected have an immediate effect because they enter the bloodstream, unlike those that are ingested. This method of use increases the risk of overdose and infection. Misuse of substances causes large amounts of dopamine (a neurotransmitter which helps regulate our emotions) to flood the brain, which results in the individual feeling “high.” This artificial stimulation can alter brain chemistry over time. Eventually, with long-term use, the drugs start affecting the brain, which causes a sudden change in behavior. It interferes with the ability to make decisions as well as causes craving and compulsive drug use. These changes can lead to a cycle of addiction that is difficult to break. Sooner or later, they are unable to function without the drug. Their health becomes compromised because their immune system is weakened, leaving them vulnerable to illnesses; there is an increased strain on the liver, and some experience heart conditions as well as seizures, stroke, and brain damage. These health issues can be life-threatening if not addressed. If substance abuse is not treated, it would eventually lead to death because of the damage done to the body.

Jessica’s drug use began at the age of 15. Her story is a poignant example of the challenges faced by many adolescents. She resided in a low-income city, and drug abuse was rampant in her community and school. Jessica did not have a strong support system. Her father left her and her mother when she was only 2 years old. This early abandonment had a profound impact on her emotional well-being. Her mother became the breadwinner of their family, and she had a difficult time keeping a “roof over their head.” She had three younger siblings to take care of as her mother was rarely around due to her numerous jobs. The lack of parental presence left Jessica feeling isolated and unsupported. Jessica felt as though she had nobody who genuinely cared for her, causing her to become depressed. She was encouraged by her peers to try using heroin to help her feel better about herself. Peer influence played a significant role in her initial drug use. When she used it for the first time, she was not sure if she liked it or not because she did not feel any different. She was again encouraged by her peers to try it again. This time she felt the full effect of the drug and decided that she liked the way she felt. This marked the beginning of her struggle with addiction. Jessica began stealing from her mother in order to purchase more drugs. When her mother found out what she did, she threw Jessica out. She was now 17 years old and homeless.

She turned to prostitution in order for her to purchase more heroin. This desperate measure highlights the severe impact of addiction on life choices. She could not afford a home, so she lived under the boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey. One day a terrible thing happened to her. She passed out while walking down the street. This incident was a turning point in her life. Luckily, a passer-by was able to see that Jessica needed help and called 911. Jessica’s life was saved by 3 paramedics. Besides the ventilator, Jessica had two chest tubes in place for pleurovac drainage. The chest tubes remained in place for around 4 days. Her medical condition was critical, requiring intensive care. During her stay at the hospital, Jessica befriended a nurse who often tended to her. The nurse encouraged her to get help as she was young. She told Jessica she had a bright future ahead, but that would only be possible if she got the necessary help she needed. This support was crucial in Jessica’s decision to seek treatment. Jessica decided to take the nurse’s advice. She was later transferred to a facility for substance use treatment and rehabilitation. However, it had been noted that Jessica had a significant mitral valve heart murmur (rapid heartbeat causing backflow of blood). This condition was a direct result of her drug use. Over a course of 5 years, Jessica eventually weaned off of heroin and had the mitral valve replaced. She remains healthy and drug-free and became a voice for adolescents who suffer from substance abuse.

Erik Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experiences on an individual. His work emphasizes the importance of social context in development. Society can determine the psychological development of an individual. The developmental issues for early adolescence are rapid physical growth, self-image focused on appearance, and intense conformity to peers in order to gain acceptance. These factors can significantly influence behavior and choices. Therefore, in order to fit in with their peers, teenagers feel the need to do whatever their friends are involved in. In this case, Jessica took the advice of her friends and started using drugs because she trusted them when they told her she would feel better after doing so. This highlights the power of peer influence during adolescence. Erikson discussed the developmental tasks of adolescence as identity vs. role confusion. They often ask themselves “Who am I?” and many are unable to answer that question, which leaves them to allow their peers to make that decision for them. This identity crisis can lead to vulnerability to negative influences. Adolescents need environments in which they are allowed to test out their new thinking skills, receive positive feedback, and benefit from consequences.

If they are in a system where their education, family, and health are compromised, the development of the middle-age adolescent will be impacted. Supportive environments are crucial for healthy development. For example, Jessica’s father leaving her can be seen as him abandoning her. This would have contributed to her feeling unwanted and lonely. Her mother, on the other hand, was rarely around to have any involvement in her daughter’s life; this would have contributed to her depression. Parental involvement is key to preventing substance abuse. Jessica had no one to guide her and help her make the right decisions. Probably if her mother kept a closer eye on Jessica, she would have been able to tell whether or not she was using drugs. The community in which she resided also had a part to play in Jessica’s addiction. It was a norm to use drugs, so she would not have seen herself doing anything wrong or jeopardizing her health. Community norms can significantly influence individual behavior. They also experience the experimental stage. The experimental stage involves curiosity and taking risks. The primary focus is rites of passage with peers. Jessica’s friends were already using drugs, and they pressured her into using them even after she realized she disliked them.

Macro strategies involve intervention and advocacy on a large scale, whereas micro strategies are where social workers involve families and friends to solve problems. Both approaches are essential for comprehensive intervention. Micro strategies that can be used for substance abuse in adolescence are parental monitoring, as well as disclosure on their whereabouts, and positive communication between parents and the child. These strategies foster trust and accountability. Families can also educate their children about the dangers of using harmful substances. Macro strategies that can be used for substance abuse in adolescence are introducing courses on substance abuse at schools in order for children to be aware of the dangers. Education is a powerful tool for prevention. Governments also prohibit these drugs in order for there to be reduced cases of substance abuse in adolescents. Prices of these drugs can also be raised in order for adolescents to be unable to afford them. Economic measures can deter access to harmful substances. I believe that governments should also pay close attention to communities that have a lot of involvement with drug use.

Abuse, N. I. (2014, January). Principles of Adolescent Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Research-Based Guide. Retrieved from National Institute on Drug Abuse: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/principles-adolescent-substance-use-disorder-treatment-research-based-guide/frequently-asked-questions/why-do-adolescents-take-drugs
Hernandez, L., Rodriguez, A., & Spirito, A. (205, April 20). Brief Family Based Intervention for Substance Abusing Adolescents. Retrieved from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4475574/
Pacula RL, C. (2001, December). The effects of macro-level interventions on addictive behavior. Retrieved from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11795584
Segal, B. M., & Stewart, J. C. (1996, June). Substance use and abuse in adolescence: An overview. Retrieved from Springer Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02353237
Whitesell, M., Bachand, A., Peele, J., & Brown, M. (2013, March 20). Familial, Social, and Individual Factors Contributing to Risk for Adolescent Substance Use. Retrieved from NCBI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4008086/

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Tags: Addiction, Adolescence, MENTAL HEALTH, Substance Abuse, Youth Development

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