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Donatello Essay Research Paper Michelle HoellProfessor Kranz

Donatello Essay, Research Paper

Michelle Hoell

Professor Kranz

Humanistic disciplines 2

16 Nov. 2001

Donatello is known as the most of import sculpturer of the Early Renaissance. The writer, John Pope-Hennessy noted him as? one of the greatest creative persons who of all time lived? ( Pope-Hennessy p.11 ) . Donatello was a modest individual who was really dedicated to his plants. Because of his great dedication, he was able to make so much art in so many different assortments ( Poeschke p.5 ) . Donatello? s beginnings, his achievements, and his impact are of import facets to appreciate the sculpturer, Donatello.

Donatello was born on 1386 in Florence, Italy by the name Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi. ( library p.1 ) . His male parent, Niccolo di Betto Bardi, was a wool comber. It is thought that he learned his calling from one of the rock sculpturers for the Cathedral of Florence around 1400 ( britannica p.3 ) . He Helped Filippo Brunelleschi, with whom he may hold visited Rome and studied memorials of antiquity there ( Blood p.

1 ) . Donatello started sculpting at the age of 20. Donatello created chef-d’oeuvres with rock, clay, bronze, or gold ( Poeschke p.376 ) . He is said to hold worked in Lorenzo Ghiberti & # 8217 ; s store and besides had a store of his ain in Florence. Later in life he studied Roman Ruins and became a humanist. Donatello died on December 13, 1466 at the age of 80. He ne’er married and had no kids ( Blood p.1 ) .

Donatello? s works can be separated into three periods. The first period is comprised of plants done before the twelvemonth 1425. During the first period, Donatello was greatly influenced by the Gothic manner, yet classical and realistic influences were besides

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present. During this clip Donatello identified himself as a realist. Most of his hebdomads of this period were spent in Florence ( Blood p.2 ) .

One of the plants completed during the first period is the marble David was one of Donatello? s earliest plants, which was completed around 1412 ( britannica p.2 ) . On February 20, 1408, Donatello was commissioned to do one of the buttresses, which were traveling to be placed on the choir of the Duomo in Florence. A sum of 12 buttresses were supposed to be made by several different sculpturers but the undertaking was ne’er

completed. When Donatello eventually completed his work, it was criticized of being excessively little to be placed in its location, which was 18 metres high. The David ended up in the Duomo workshops for a few old ages. Then, in July 1416, it was moved to the Palazzo Vecchio. Donatello was so paid five excess guilders to do some changes to the statue. This may be when the really intricate inside informations were added to Goliath? s face and hair. He may hold besides added inside informations to the vesture, such as seams, creases and peripheries, during this clip. Because of this, Donatello was noted of seting much more importance into the inside informations of the sculpture more than any sculpturer of this clip puts ( Poeschke p.27, 377 ) . A piece subsequently the Prophet David was given a topographic point of award in the metropolis hall to stand for political freedom. Donatello? s David was chosen for this topographic point. Ghilberti, the leader in International Gothic Style, influenced this sculpture. International Gothic Style consisted of soft curves, which the David processed. The building of the curtain besides had a Gothic expression. This work was made for the Cathedral but was subsequently moved to Palazzo Vecchio in 1416. There, the David symbolized civic nationalism. It was later shadowed

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by the immense Michelangelo version of David ( britannica p.2 ) . The David can be seen on page nine and is image one.

Another work done during the first period is St. George. It was one of Donatello? s most powerful plants. It had demonstrated personality and assurance, which has non been seen since the classical antiquity ( britannica p.2 ) . St. George is image four on page 10. There appears to be holes made into the marble. These holes are thought to hold held a garland or bronze helmet on the caput. The right manus was carved to keep a blade of spear made of bronze. The statue was completed on 1415 and the Tabernacle niche in which is placed was completed around 1417 ( Pope-Hennessy p.63, 64 ) . It is diffident if Donatello had anything to make with planing the Tabernacle in which St. George was but in, but it is certain he did the gable alleviation which is image two on page 10. The gable alleviation is the Christ figure keeping a book and looking down on the saint. Donatello besides did the St. George murdering the Dragon alleviation at the underside of the Tabernacle. This alleviation is an illustration of schacciato ( Poeschke p.381 ) . This alleviation can be seen on page 10, image three.

The 2nd period is comprised of the old ages between 1425-1443. Plants influenced by antiquity can place this period. During the old ages 1425-1435, Donatello worked with the Florentine sculpturer, Brunelleschi, and Michelozzo. For illustration, they worked together for the memorial to Bartolomeo Arogazzi, which is located in the Cathedral of Montepuliciano ( Blood p.2 ) .

The bronze David, completed from 1428-1432, was one of the earliest bronze sculptures. It was the first big graduated table free standing bare statue of the Renaissance. It

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was made for a private individual whose individuality is to this day of the month unknown. The David? s recorded history starts with the nuptials of Lorenzo the magnificent in 1469. It was placed in the centre of the courtyard of Medici castle in Florence. After the ejection of Medici in 1496, it was so placed in the Palazzo Vecchio ( britannica p. 3 ) . It is the first standing statue since antiquity that was intended to be seen from every angel. Therefore,

it was meant to be freestanding since it was foremost commissioned. For this ground it may be suspected that the courtyard of the Palazzo Medici was its original topographic point. It was later paid for by the metropolis of Florence. It was placed in the Museo Nazionale del Bergello, Florence in 1880 ( Poeschke p.397 ) . The David? s physical grace and beauty was one the Renaissance? s ideals ( artchive p.4 ) . The Bay leaves on the chapeau express love affair. He portrays the life of a Shepard because he is confronting down which suggest that the Sun is crushing on him. His pose seems really harmless even though he has a severed caput at his pess. The David does non even seem strong plenty to raise the blade he has. The piece represents the classical manner but stand our more because of Donatello? s modern touches. This work is thought to hold influenced Ghilberti? s Samson because the two plants both have the same organic structure place ( Kos p.2 ) . This sculpture differs from other of Donatello? s sculptures because he concentrated more on the physical beauty of the piece alternatively of its courage ( Poeschke p.397 ) . The David is image five on page 11.

A 2nd work done during the 2nd period is the Feast of Herod. This alleviation technique is called schiacciato, which means? flattened out? . Donatello invented this alleviation technique, which was made highly shallow carving throughout. It was like the carving was painting on with a chisel. Schiacciato used scientific additive position,

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which was invented by Brunellischi a few old ages before ( britannica p.2 ) . The Feast of Herod is one of the alleviations completed by Donatello utilizing the method Schiacciato. This alleviation was completed between 1425-1427. It was one of two panels ordered from Jacopo della Quercia for the baptismal founts of Siena Cathedral ( artchive p.3 ) . Originally, both

alleviations were to be made by Jacopa della Quercia on April 16, 1417. The committee was given to Donatello no subsequently than April, 13 1423. The theoretical account for the alleviation was non completed until the summer of 1425. The alleviation itself was non finished until April 13, 1427 ( Pope-Hennessy p.387 ) . It was the first alleviation to be built in conformity with the regulations of position. For this ground it was noted in the history of art ( artchive p.3 ) . This piece besides set new criterion for a pictural narration ( Poeschke p. 387 ) . It can be seen on page 12, image six.

In the 3rd period, which was the clip after 1443, Donatello concentrated on pragmatism by portraying character and dramatic action ( Blood p.3 ) . During his last old ages at Padua he remained inactive. He did non accept any offer due to unknown fortunes. Donatello subsequently quoted he about died? among those toads in Pauda? . In 1456, a Florentine doctor, Giovanni Chellini, wrote in his history book that he treated? the maestro for a drawn-out unwellness? . Between 1450-1455 Donatello merely completed two plants, St. John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene ( britannica p.4 ) .

The retired general of the Venetian land forces, Erasmo district attorney Narmi, died of a shot. In his will he left direction for a memorial to be built in his memory. The Venetian Senate gave official orders to construct the memorial in the soldier? s memory. The full memorial is seen on page 13, image seven. During this clip it was tradition that

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materialistic commanding officers were honored with equestrian portrayals wither painted or sculpted in their memory ( Poeschke p.398 ) . Donatello was commissioned to do the statue.

This work was one of the chief grounds Donatello went to Padua. He was paid 1140 lire for this memorial. His intent was to do this stature more powerful and graphic than any other horseman he had seen before ( Pope-Hennessy p.200, 202 ) . The work was given the name Gattamelata that was Erasmo? s moniker intending cunning cat. There were many holds to existent

ly complete Gattamelata. Most of the work was done between 144-1450. Though, it was non placed on the base until 1453 ( britannica p.4 ) . Donatello besides designed this base. On the upper portion there are two alleviations, image eight on page 13. On one side here are two angels indicating to a coat of weaponries of the deceased. On the other side there are two angels exposing conflict armour. The original alleviations were replaced with transcripts in 1854 and are now located in the Santo Museum. Below the Two alleviations there are doors, which symbolize doors to Hades. This gives the memorial a sense of a grave ( Pope-Hennessy p. 398 ) . The tallness of the pedestal alone is 25 and a half pess, which is twice every bit high as the statue it holds ( Poeschke p. 209 ) . Donatello created an idealised portrayal of Gattamelata and his Equus caballus to uncover the adult male? s aristocracy. He used the construct of antiquity as he noted in the statue of Marcus Aurelius during his visit to Rome, image nine one page 14 ( britannica 6 ) . In comparing, The Emperor? s position is more inactive. The Gattamelata has a more controlling position over his Equus caballus, image 10s on page 14. The Emperor has non front position. Both the Equus caballus and the Emperor have their caputs turned toward the right. Donatello? s Gattamelata has front, rear, and side positions ( Poeschke p.204 ) . The sculpture is set up in forepart of the

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Basilica del Santo and can be seen from every way because of its tallness. This work was known to be the best-proportioned sculpture of all time ( library p.1 ) .

The Mary Magdalene was besides completed during the 3rd period. The decay and deformation of the organic structure produces an emotion towards the position. By dressing her in her ain hair merely adds to the emotion ( brittanica p.7 ) . This peculiar piece was non mentioned in any recorded history until the 1500? s. Because of this, its original location is unsure ( Poeschke p. 402 ) . This work was damaged in 1966 due to a inundation in Florence. During the Restoration, the original painted fleshy tones and gold high spots in the hair was discovered under all the carbon black and old ages of forsaking ( britannica p.4 ) . Image eleven on page 15 is how the statue looked before Restoration and image 12 on page 15 is how it looked after Restoration. After reparation to the statue is was placed in the Museo dingle? Opera del Duomo in Florence, Italy. The image of Mary Magdalene that Donatello created influenced many other portraitures of Magdalene such as the Magdalene in the Collegiata in Ampoli, Italy ( Poeschke p.403 ) .

Donatello had a great impact on the development of pragmatism in Italian picture, particularly the Paduan creative person, Andrea Mantegnon. He besides had many students, notably Desiderio district attorney Settignano ( Blood p.3 ) . His ability to work entirely made him the? head and innovator of Italian art? ( Kos p.3 ) . Donatello is said to be the found of modern scuplpture. He was the first to do a sculpture made of bronze, which influenced other sculpturers to be originative and utilize other stuffs. His technique of sculpting is still used today ( library

p.1 ) . Donatello? s presence in Padua influenced the devising of a school of bronze sculpturers and workers. His alleviation in Padua influenced painters and sculpturers of northern

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Italy. His statue, Gatamelata, influenced Andrea del Verrocchio? s work, the equestrian Bartolomeo Colleani ( britanica p.9 ) . He particularly influenced the Paduan creative person Andrea Mantagna. Because of Donatello, the art of sculpture was born once more in Florence. He was really good at doing his figures express emotion ( artchive p.2, 4 ) . Donatello? s works serve as the? step and illustration? for all sculptures of the Early Renaissance. Even painters studied his plants closely until the clip of Raphael ( Poeschke p.17 ) .

Donatello was a simple adult male in everything but his plants of art. During three periods the creative person can be seen through his work germinating harmonizing to the influences around him. From a really immature age, Donatello was instructed by great heads in his field. Sculpture was an art signifier that Donatello took up from the age of 20. Throughout his life he executed this endowment imposingly. His creative activities impacted many creative persons that followed. Many of his sculptures served as theoretical accounts for other sculptures that were created. During his clip, he was known as a sculpturer who somewhat deviated from the norm of his clip and did more than what was expected of a sculpturer. His sculptures still exist to impact those to come.

Blood, Lindsey. The plants of Donatello. 25 Jan 2001. *http: //www.cyesis.org/student.projects/renaissance/lindsey/donatello.html*

Donatello. 31 Jan 2001. *http: //www.artchive.com/artchive/D/donatello.html*

Donatello. 25 Jan 2001. *http: //library.thinkquest.org/15962/data/donatello.html*

Donatello.17 Jan. 2001. *http: //www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/7/0,5716,31407+2+30901,00.html*

History of Sculpture. 25 Jan. *http: //www.britannica.com/brom/eb/article/printable/010,5722,117490,00.html*

Kos, Adam. Donatello? s Bronze David. 25 Jan. 2001.

*http: //www.chuckii.com/Reports/Art/Donatellos_Bronze_David.shtml*

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.

? All plants consulted were cited?


I Intro

A. Pope-Hennessy quotation mark

B. Ability

C. Thesis: Donatello? s beginnings, his achievement, and his impact are of import facets to appreciate the sculpturer, Donatello.

II. Background

A. Birth

1. Date

2. Topographic point

B. Family

C. Education

D. Death

III. Accomplishments

A. First period

1. Before 1425

2. Art Manner

3. David ( Marble )

a. Initial ground commissioned

B. Detail of sculpture

c. City hall

d. Influence

4. St. George

a. Description

b. Tabernacle

c. Gable Relief

d. St. George Murdering the Dragon

B. Second Time period

1. 1425-1443

2. Art Manner

3. David ( Bronze )

a. Reason commissioned

B. Locations placed

c. Description

d. Influence

4. Banquet of Herod

a. Schiacciato

B. Reason commissioned

c. Importance in art history

C. Third Period

1. Date

2. Art Manner

3. Visit to Padua

4. Gattamelata

a. Reason commissioned

b. Pedestal

c. Reliefs

d. Doors

e. Comparison of Marcus Aurelius equestrian

5. Mary Magdelan

a. Description

B. Location

c. Influence

IV. Impact

A. Realism

B. Pupils

C. Modern sculpture

D. Padua

E. Florence

F. Early Renaissance

G. Painters

V. Conclusion

A. Development

B. Influence

Donato di betto bardi

Michelle Hoell

Professor Kranz

Humanistic disciplines II

16 Nov. 2000

Illustrations Cited

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.


Illustrations Cited

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.Works Cited

Blood, Lindsey. The plants of Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 31 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello.17 Jan. 2001.

History of Sculpture. 25 Jan.

Kos, Adam. Donatello? s Bronze David. 25 Jan. 2001.

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.

Plants Cited

Blood, Lindsey. The plants of Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 31 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello.17 Jan. 2001.

History of Sculpture. 25 Jan.

Kos, Adam. Donatello? s Bronze David. 25 Jan. 2001.

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.

Plants Cited

Blood, Lindsey. The plants of Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 31 Jan 2001.

Donatello. 25 Jan 2001.

Donatello.17 Jan. 2001.

History of Sculpture. 25 Jan.

Kos, Adam. Donatello? s Bronze David. 25 Jan. 2001.

Poeschke, Joachim. Donatello and His Plants: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. New York: Harry n. Abrams, Inc. , 1990.

Pope-Hennessy, John. Donatello. New York: Biggin Holding Ltd. , 1993.

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